
How to use Consul to perform synchronize task on one machine at a time?

我有一个有 10 台机器的系统,我需要在每台机器上按同步顺序一台一台地执行特定任务。基本上只有一台机器应该在特定时间执行该任务。我们已经将 Consul 用于其他目的,但我在想我们是否也可以使用 Consul 来做到这一点?

我阅读了更多相关信息,看起来我们可以使用 consul 进行领导选举,每台机器都会尝试获取锁,完成工作,然后释放锁。一旦工作完成,它将释放锁,然后其他机器将再次尝试获取锁并做同样的工作。这样所有的东西都会一次同步一台机器。

我决定使用这个 C# PlayFab ConsulDotNet library,它看起来已经内置了这个功能,但如果有更好的选择,我也愿意接受。下面Action 我的代码库中的方法几乎通过观察者机制在每台机器上同时调用。

 private void Action() {
    // Try to acquire lock using Consul.
    // If lock acquired then DoTheWork() otherwise keep waiting for it until lock is acquired.
    // Once work is done, release the lock
    // so that some other machine can acquire the lock and do the same work.

现在在上述方法中我需要做以下事情 -

想法是所有 10 台机器都应该 DoTheWork() 以同步顺序一次一台。基于此 blog and this blog 我决定修改他们的示例以满足我们的需要 -


public class LeaderElectionService
    public LeaderElectionService(string leadershipLockKey)
        this.key = leadershipLockKey;

    public event EventHandler<LeaderChangedEventArgs> LeaderChanged;
    string key;
    CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
    Timer timer;
    bool lastIsHeld = false;
    IDistributedLock distributedLock;

    public void Start()
        timer = new Timer(async (object state) => await TryAcquireLock((CancellationToken)state), cts.Token, 0, Timeout.Infinite);

    private async Task TryAcquireLock(CancellationToken token)
        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
            if (distributedLock == null)
                var clientConfig = new ConsulClientConfiguration { Address = new Uri("http://consul.host.domain.com") };
                ConsulClient client = new ConsulClient(clientConfig);
                distributedLock = await client.AcquireLock(new LockOptions(key) { LockTryOnce = true, LockWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) }, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (!distributedLock.IsHeld)
                    await distributedLock.Acquire(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
        catch (LockMaxAttemptsReachedException ex)
            //this is expected if it couldn't acquire the lock within the first attempt.
        catch (Exception ex)
            bool lockHeld = distributedLock?.IsHeld == true;
            //Retrigger the timer after a 10 seconds delay (in this example). Delay for 7s if not held as the AcquireLock call will block for ~3s in every failed attempt.
            timer.Change(lockHeld ? 10000 : 7000, Timeout.Infinite);

    protected virtual void HandleLockStatusChange(bool isHeldNew)
        // Is this the right way to check and do the work here?
        // In general I want to call method "DoTheWork" in "Action" method itself
        // And then release and destroy the session once work is done.
        if (isHeldNew)
            // DoTheWork();
            // And then were should I release the lock so that other machine can try to grab it?
            // distributedLock.Release();
            // distributedLock.Destroy();

        if (lastIsHeld == isHeldNew)
            lastIsHeld = isHeldNew;

        if (LeaderChanged != null)
            LeaderChangedEventArgs args = new LeaderChangedEventArgs(lastIsHeld);
            foreach (EventHandler<LeaderChangedEventArgs> handler in LeaderChanged.GetInvocationList())
                    handler(this, args);
                catch (Exception ex)

下面是我的 LeaderChangedEventArgs class:

public class LeaderChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
    private bool isLeader;

    public LeaderChangedEventArgs(bool isHeld)
        isLeader = isHeld;

    public bool IsLeader { get { return isLeader; } }



现在,在我的 Action 方法中,我想使用上面的 class 并在获得锁后立即执行任务,否则继续等待锁。工作完成后,释放并销毁会话,以便其他机器可以获取它并完成工作。我对如何在下面的方法中正确使用上面的 class 有点困惑。

 private void Action() {
    LeaderElectionService electionService = new LeaderElectionService("data/process");
    // electionService.LeaderChanged += (source, arguments) => Console.WriteLine(arguments.IsLeader ? "Leader" : "Slave");

    // now how do I wait for the lock to be acquired here indefinitely
    // And once lock is acquired, do the work and then release and destroy the session
    // so that other machine can grab the lock and do the work

我最近开始使用 C#,这就是为什么我对如何使用 Consul 和这个库在生产中高效工作感到困惑。


我按照你的建议尝试了下面的代码,我想我之前也试过这个,但出于某种原因,一旦它进入这一行 await distributedLock.Acquire(cancellationToken);,它就会自动返回到 main 方法。它永远不会前进到我的 Doing Some Work! 打印出来。 CreateLock 真的有效吗?我期待它会在 consul 上创建 data/lock(因为它不存在),然后尝试获取它的锁,如果获取了锁,那么完成工作然后为其他机器释放它?

private static CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

public static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

private static async Task Action(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    const string keyName = "data/lock";

    var clientConfig = new ConsulClientConfiguration { Address = new Uri("http://consul.test.host.com") };
    ConsulClient client = new ConsulClient(clientConfig);
    var distributedLock = client.CreateLock(keyName);

    while (true)
            // Try to acquire lock
            // As soon as it comes to this line,
            // it just goes back to main method automatically. not sure why
            await distributedLock.Acquire(cancellationToken);

            // Lock is acquired
            // DoTheWork();
            Console.WriteLine("Doing Some Work!");

            // Work is done. Jump out of loop to release the lock
        catch (LockHeldException)
            // Cannot acquire the lock. Wait a while then retry
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), cancellationToken);
        catch (Exception)
            // TODO: Handle exception thrown by DoTheWork method

            // Here we jump out of the loop to release the lock
            // But you can try to acquire the lock again based on your requirements

    // Release and destroy the lock
    // So that other machine can grab the lock and do the work
    await distributedLock.Release(cancellationToken);
    await distributedLock.Destroy(cancellationToken);

IMO,这些博客中的 LeaderElectionService 对你来说太过分了。

更新 1

不需要执行 while 循环,因为:

  1. ConsulClient是局部变量
    • 不用检查IsHeld属性
  2. Acquire 将无限期阻塞,除非
    • LockOptions
    • 中设置 LockTryOnce 为真
    • 将超时设置为 CancellationToken

旁注,在对分布式锁 (reference) 调用 Release 后,无需调用 Destroy 方法。

private async Task Action(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    const string keyName = "YOUR_KEY";

    var client = new ConsulClient();
    var distributedLock = client.CreateLock(keyName);

        // Try to acquire lock
        // NOTE:
        //   Acquire method will block indefinitely unless
        //     1. Set LockTryOnce = true in LockOptions
        //     2. Pass a timeout to cancellation token
        await distributedLock.Acquire(cancellationToken);

        // Lock is acquired
    catch (Exception)
        // TODO: Handle exception thrown by DoTheWork method

    // Release the lock (not necessary to invoke Destroy method), 
    // so that other machine can grab the lock and do the work
    await distributedLock.Release(cancellationToken);

更新 2

OP 的代码 returns 返回 Main 方法的原因是 Action 方法 未等待 。如果您使用 C# 7.1,则可以使用 async Main,并将 await 放在 Action 方法上。

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    await Action(cts.Token);
    Console.WriteLine("Hello World");