Hilt 注入子 class 作为父类型

Hilt injecting child class as parent type

我有 3 个存储库:

interface MainRepository {

interface LocalRepository {

interface WebRepository {


class MainRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val localRepository: LocalRepository,
    private val webRepository: WebRepository
) : MainRepository {

class LocalRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val localMapper: LocalMapper
    private val popularMovieDao: PopularMovieDao
) : LocalRepository {

class WebRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val webMapper: WebMapper,
    private val popularMovieApi: PopularMovieApi
) : WebRepository {

如您所见,MainRepository 需要将其他两个存储库都注入其中,但是,我真的不知道该怎么做。

当然我可以用 LocalRepositoryImplWebRepositoryImpl 类型注入它,但我想用 LocalRepositoryWebRepository 类型注入它以获得更通用的方法。


object Module {

    fun provideWebRepository(): WebRepository {
        return WebRepositoryImpl(mapper = WebMapper(), popularMovieApi = PopularMovieApi.getInstance())

    fun provideLocalRepository(): LocalRepository {
        return LocalRepositoryImpl(mapper = LocalMapper(), // Here I can't really 
            // figure out how to get @Dao since it requires DB 
            // which requires context and etc 
            // which makes me think that I've got completely wrong approach to this)

我的 LocalData 模块:

object LocalDataSourceModule {
    fun provideMainDatabase(@ApplicationContext context: Context): MainDatabase = MainDatabase.getInstance(context)

    fun providePopularMovieDao(mainDatabase: MainDatabase): PopularMovieDao = mainDatabase.popularMovieDao()


object RemoteDataSourceModule {

    fun providePopularMovieApi(): PopularMovieApi = PopularMovieApi.getInstance()

如何在维护接口类型(LocalRepository & `WebRepository)的同时正确注入我拥有的实现(LocalRepositoryImpl & WebRepositoryImpl)??


interface MainRepository {

interface LocalRepository {

interface WebRepository {

实施(这里没有@Inject 或@Singleton!)

class MainRepositoryImpl constructor(
    private val localRepository: LocalRepository,
    private val webRepository: WebRepository
) : MainRepository {

class LocalRepositoryImpl constructor(
    private val localMapper: LocalMapper
    private val popularMovieDao: PopularMovieDao
) : LocalRepository {

class WebRepositoryImpl constructor(
    private val webMapper: WebMapper,
    private val popularMovieApi: PopularMovieApi
) : WebRepository {


object RepositoryModule {
 fun provideMainRepository(
           localRepository: LocalRepository,
           webRepository: WebRepository
 ): MainRepository = MainRepositoryImpl(localRepository, webRepository)

 fun provideLocalRepository(
        localMapper: LocalMapper,
        popularMovieDao: PopularMovieDao
 ): LocalRepository = LocalRepositoryImpl(localMapper, popularMovieDao)

 fun provideWebRepository(
        webMapper: WebMapper,
        popularMovieApi: PopularMovieApi
 ): WebRepository = WebRepositoryImpl(webMapper, popularMovieApi)

试试这个,告诉我它是否有效。由于您已经为所有存储库提供了 @Provides,Dagger-Hilt 知道如何创建它们。您是否将 Room 用于 localDatabase?如果是,那么像您那样创建数据库可能是不正确的。如果您没有使用 Room,您应该开始使用,因为它会让您的生活更轻松。



@Entity(tableName = "exampleTableName")
data class ExampleEntity(
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    val id: Int,
    // ... whatever you need
    val header: String = "",
    val title: String = "",
    val description: String = "",


@Database(entities = [ExampleEntity::class], version = 1)
abstract class ExampleDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun exampleDao(): ExampleDao

    companion object {
        const val DATABASE_NAME = "example_db"


interface DocumentDao {
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    suspend fun insert(exampleEntity: List<ExampleEntity>)

    @Query("SELECT * FROM exampleTableName")
    suspend fun getList(): List<ExampleEntity>


object RoomModule {

    fun provideExampleDB(@ApplicationContext context: Context): ExampleDatabase = Room.databaseBuilder(

    fun provideExampleDAO(exampleDatabase: ExampleDatabase): ExampleDao = exampleDatabase.exampleDao()


使用@Binds。而不是你的 object Module 使用以下模块:

interface Module {

    fun bindWebRepository(repository: WebRepositoryImpl): WebRepository

    fun bindLocalRepository(repository: LocalRepositoryImpl): LocalRepository

它告诉 Dagger,如果你需要 WebRepository 依赖,那么它必须提供 WebRepositoryImpl 并且 LocalRepositoryLocalRepositoryImpl 也是如此。

Dagger2 中 @Binds 与 @Provides 注释的用例是什么