Angular 中内容的 ArcGIS 4.16 弹出模板自定义函数

ArcGIS 4.16 popup template custom function for content in Angular

我正在尝试在服务返回结果的弹出模板中添加自定义内容。服务功能在 ngOninit() 或不属于弹出模板功能的自定义功能中工作。曾经在弹窗自定义模板功能中使用时,服务无法收集结果。


import { CustomService } from '../shared/service/custom.service';

 constructor(private customService: CustomService){}

 // Formation of the popup template
      var popupTrailheads = {
        title: "Unique id: {ID}",
        content: this.getcustomcontent,


this.layer_fifteen = new FeatureLayer({
        url: `${this.esriURL}/15`,
        visible: true,
        outFields: ['*'],
        popupTemplate: popupTrailheads

下面的函数 getcustomcontent() 从服务中收集详细信息。

 public getcustomcontent(feature) {

// the service code
 this.customService.getIdDetails(popup_id).subscribe((posts) => {
//required to get the result from the service

当我使用 try-catch 时,它显示'TypeError: Cannot read 属性 'customService' of null'。如何在弹出模板中使用服务?

我认为您遇到了上下文问题。 getcustomcontent里面的this在执行渲染模板的时候值为null。

有一些选项可以设置函数的执行上下文。在下面的示例中,我使用 bind.

popupTemplate: {
  content: this.customPopupFunction.bind(this) // <- here

基本上,我表示当调用 customPopupFunction 时,它应该绑定到组件。这就是函数内部 this 起作用的原因,它在弹出模板内容中呈现组件的 madeBy 属性。

Mozilla Docs - bind

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import { loadModules } from "esri-loader";

  selector: 'app-esri-map',
  templateUrl: './esri-map.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./esri-map.component.scss']
export class EsriMapComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

  @ViewChild("mapViewNode", { static: true }) private mapViewEl: ElementRef;
  view: any;

  // to keep loaded esri modules
  esriModules = {
    layers: {
      FeatureLayer: null

  madeBy = '@cabesuon';

  constructor() {}

  async initializeMap() {
    try {
      // Load the modules for the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
      const [
      ] = await loadModules([

      // save the modules on a property for later
      this.esriModules.layers.FeatureLayer = FeatureLayer;

      // Create the FeatureLayer

      // USA counties layer
      var countiesLayer = new FeatureLayer({
        portalItem: {
          id: "cd13d0ed1c8f4b0ea0914366b4ed5bd6"
        outFields: ["*"],
        minScale: 0,
        maxScale: 0,
        popupTemplate: {
          content: this.customPopupFunction.bind(this)

      // Configure the Map
      const mapProperties = {
        basemap: "streets",
        layers: [countiesLayer]

      const map = new Map(mapProperties);

      // Initialize the MapView
      const mapViewProperties = {
        container: this.mapViewEl.nativeElement,
        zoom: 5,
        center: [-107.3567, 37.7705]

      this.view = new MapView(mapViewProperties);
      await this.view.when(); // wait for map to load
      return this.view;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("EsriLoader: ", error);

  ngOnInit() {
    this.initializeMap().then(_ => {
      // The map has been initialized
      console.log("mapView ready: ", this.view.ready);

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.view) {
      // destroy the map view
      this.view.container = null;

  customPopupFunction(feature) {
    return `<p>This is <strong>${feature.graphic.attributes.NAME}</strong> county, state of <strong>${feature.graphic.attributes.STATE_NAME}</strong></p>` +
    `<p>This is an example of a custom popup content made by <span style="color:blue;">${this.madeBy}</span></p>`;
