如何获取 Jenkinsfile 中已更改文件的列表以获取拉取请求?

How to get list of changed files in Jenkinsfile for a pull request?

是否可以在拉取请求构建期间获取 Jenkinsfile 中已更改文件的列表?我目前正在这样做...

def changeLogSets = currentBuild.rawBuild.changeSets
    for (int i = 0; i < changeLogSets.size(); i++) {
        def entries = changeLogSets[i].items
        for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
            def entry = entries[j]
            def files = new ArrayList(entry.affectedFiles)
            for (int k = 0; k < files.size(); k++) {
                def file = files[k]
                print file.path 

但如果我是第一次构建新分支,此方法不会 return 任何更改,因为没有以前的构建可以与之比较。有人找到解决办法了吗?


据我所知,没有 built-in 功能可以做到这一点。


    def local_branch = sh (
        script: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD",
        label: "Getting current branch name",
        returnStdout: true
    println "Local branch is ${local_branch}"

    def base_branch = 'master' 
    // This is very naive.
    // In reality, you need a better way to find out what your base branch is.
    // One way is to have a file with a name of a base branch.
    // Another one is to invoke API, e.g. GitHub API, to find out base branch.
    // Use whatever works for you.
    println "Base branch is ${base_branch}"

    sh script: "git fetch origin --no-tags ${base_branch}", label: "Getting base branch"

    def git_diff = sh (
        script: "git diff --name-only origin/${base_branch}..${local_branch}",
        returnStdout: true

现在您在 git_diff 变量中有一个已更改文件的列表。

使用 Jenkins 变更集大多是行不通的,无论如何都留作其他用途。

这也可以通过 pipeline-github 插件实现:

def changedFiles = pullRequest.files.collect {