使用 CodeIgniter 购物车安全吗?

Is it safe to use CodeIgniter shopping cart?

根据 CodeIgniter 文档,他们的购物车 Class "is DEPRECATED and should not be used".


只要会话 class 安全,使用 codeigniter cart class 就可以,但是 ci 2.x 会话不安全,因为它将其数据保存在cookie "ci_session" 以便最终用户可以修改会话数据(包括购物车数据)

要克服此漏洞,您可以使用不在浏览器 cookie 中保存任何会话数据的会话扩展,您可以使用诸如 EckoTools Session Library 之类的东西,将其放入 libraries/session.php 并使用它当您使用 ci 本机会话时,这里是库代码:

注意:这个库假设你使用数据库来保存会话数据,所以你应该在你的config.php文件中启用这个$config['sess_use_database'] = TRUE;

 The EckoTools Session Library

 @package The EckoTools Session Library
 @category Libraries
 @author Hartmut König (h.koenig@eckotools.com)
 @link http://www.okidoe.de
 @version 1.0.2
 @copyright Hartmut König 2009

 A class to handle sessions by using a mySQL database for session related
 data storage providing better security then the default session handler 
 used by PHP with added protection against Session Hijacking & Fixation 
 including the flashdata-Feature of CI. It don't use Browser or IP to identify 
 the user. Instead I generate a fingerprint of different seldom changing data 
 (@link _generate_fingerprint) 

 To prevent session hijacking, don't forget to use the {@link regenerate_id} 
 method whenever you do a privilege change in your application

  -- MYSQL: Table structure for table `ci_sessions`

CREATE TABLE `ci_sessions` (
  `session_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `fingerprint` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `session_data` blob NOT NULL,
  `session_expire` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`session_id`)

  This class is an adaptation between the original CI Sessions, Native Sessions 
  and my own coding



class CI_Session

   *  Constructor of class
   *  Initializes the class and starts a new session
   *  There is no need to call start_session() after instantiating this class
   *  $gc_maxlifetime    (optional) the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and
   *                     cleaned up on the next run of the gc (garbage collection) routine
   *                     Default is specified in php.ini file
   *  $gc_probability    (optional) used in conjunction with gc_divisor, is used to manage probability that
   *                     the gc routine is started. the probability is expressed by the formula
   *                     probability = $gc_probability / $gc_divisor
   *                     So if $gc_probability is 1 and $gc_divisor is 100 means that there is
   *                     a 1% chance the the gc routine will be called on each request
   *                     Default is specified in php.ini file
   *  $gc_divisor        (optional) used in conjunction with gc_probability, is used to manage probability
   *                     that the gc routine is started. the probability is expressed by the formula
   *                     probability = $gc_probability / $gc_divisor
   *                     So if $gc_probability is 1 and $gc_divisor is 100 means that there is
   *                     a 1% chance the the gc routine will be called on each request
   *                     Default is specified in php.ini file
   *  $security_code     (optional) the value of this argument is appended to the fingerprint before
   *                     creating the md5 hash out of it. this way we'll try to prevent fingerprint
   *                     spoofing
   *                     Default is 'LeouOeEkKpvSnD-YCHd5ogt3y'
   *  $table_name        (optional) You can change the name of that table by setting this property
   *                  Default is 'ci_sessions'
   *  @return void
  function CI_Session(    $security_code="LeouOeEkKpvSnD-YCHd5ogt3y",$table_name="ci_sessions" )
           //-- CI Config
           $this->CI                         = & get_instance();
        $this->flashdata_key     = 'flash'; // prefix for "flash" variables (eg. flash:new:message)           
           $table_name                     = $this->CI->config->item('sess_table_name');
            $gc_maxlifetime                = $this->CI->config->item('sess_expiration');
            $gc_probability             = $this->CI->config->item('sess_gc_probability');
            $gc_divisor                        = $this->CI->config->item('sess_gc_divisor');
            $sess_name                        = $this->CI->config->item('sess_cookie_name');

      // if $gc_maxlifetime is specified and is an integer number
      (!empty($gc_maxlifetime) && is_integer($gc_maxlifetime))
                ? @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $gc_maxlifetime)
                : false;

      // if $gc_probability is specified and is an integer number
      (!empty($gc_probability) && is_integer($gc_probability))      
                ? @ini_set('session.gc_probability', $gc_probability)
                : false;

      // if $gc_divisor is specified and is an integer number
      (!empty($gc_divisor) && is_integer($gc_divisor))            
                ? @ini_set('session.gc_divisor', $gc_divisor)
                : false;

                ? @ini_set('session.name', $sess_name)
                : false;

      // get session lifetime
      $this->sessionLifetime = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime");

      // we'll use this later in order to prevent fingerprint spoofing
      $this->securityCode = $security_code;
      $this->tableName         = $table_name;

      // register the new handler
          array(&$this, '_open'),
          array(&$this, '_close'),
          array(&$this, '_read'),
          array(&$this, '_write'),
          array(&$this, '_destroy'),
          array(&$this, '_gc')

      // start the session

            // Delete 'old' flashdata (from last request)

            // Mark all new flashdata as old (data will be deleted before next request)
    * Reads given session attribute value
    * @return integer sessionvalue
    function userdata($item)
            //added for backward-compatibility
        if($item == 'session_id')
          return session_id();


     * Fetch all session data
     * @access    public
     * @return    mixed
    function all_userdata()
        return ( ! isset($_SESSION)) ? FALSE : $_SESSION;

    * Sets session attributes to the given values
    * @return void
    function set_userdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
            ? $newdata = array($newdata => $newval)
            : false;

        if(count($newdata) > 0)
          foreach($newdata as $key => $val)
            $_SESSION[$key] = $val;
    * Erases given session attributes
    * @return void    
    function unset_userdata($newdata = array())
            ? $newdata = array($newdata => '')
            : false;

        if(count($newdata) > 0)
          foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
   *  Deletes all data related to the session
   *  @return void
  function sess_destroy()

   *  Regenerates the session id.
   *  <b>Call this method whenever you do a privilege change!</b>
   *  @return void
  function regenerate_id()
      // saves the old session's id
      $oldSessionID = session_id();

      // regenerates the id
      // this function will create a new session, with a new id and containing the data from the old session
      // but will not delete the old session

      // because the session_regenerate_id() function does not delete the old session,
      // we have to delete it manually
     * Add or change flashdata, only available
     * until the next request
     * @access    public
     * @param    mixed
     * @param    string
     * @return    void
    function set_flashdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
        if (is_string($newdata))
            $newdata = array($newdata => $newval);

        if (count($newdata) > 0)
            foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
                $flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':new:'.$key;
                $this->set_userdata($flashdata_key, $val);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Keeps existing flashdata available to next request.
     * @access    public
     * @param    string
     * @return    void
    function keep_flashdata($key)
        // 'old' flashdata gets removed.  Here we mark all
        // flashdata as 'new' to preserve it from _flashdata_sweep()
        // Note the function will return FALSE if the $key
        // provided cannot be found
        $old_flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$key;
        $value = $this->userdata($old_flashdata_key);

        $new_flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':new:'.$key;
        $this->set_userdata($new_flashdata_key, $value);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Fetch a specific flashdata item from the session array
     * @access    public
     * @param    string
     * @return    string
    function flashdata($key)
        $flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$key;
        return $this->userdata($flashdata_key);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Identifies flashdata as 'old' for removal
     * when _flashdata_sweep() runs.
     * @access    private
     * @return    void
    function _flashdata_mark()
        $userdata = $this->all_userdata();
        foreach ($userdata as $name => $value)
            $parts = explode(':new:', $name);
            if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) === 2)
                $new_name = $this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$parts[1];
                $this->set_userdata($new_name, $value);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Removes all flashdata marked as 'old'
     * @access    private
     * @return    void

    function _flashdata_sweep()
        $userdata = $this->all_userdata();
        foreach($userdata as $key => $value)
            if (strpos($key, ':old:'))
   *  Get the number of online users
   *  @return integer     number of users currently online
  function get_users_online()
      // counts the rows from the database
      $query     = $this->CI->db->query("SELECT COUNT(session_id) as count FROM ".$this->tableName);
      $result = $query->row(); 

      // return the number of found rows
      return $result->count;

     * Generates key as protection against Session Hijacking & Fixation.
     * @access private
     * @return string
    function _generate_fingerprint()
        //-- We don't use the ip-adress, because this is a subject to change in most cases (proxies etc.)
        $list = array('HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET',
        $key = array($this->securityCode);
        foreach($list as $item) 
            $key[] = $this->CI->input->server($item);
        return md5(implode("[=10=]", $key));
   *  Custom open() function
   *  @access private
  function _open($save_path, $session_name)

   *  Custom close() function
   *  @access private
  function _close()

   *  Custom read() function
   *  @access private
  function _read($session_id)
      // reads session data associated with the session id
      // but only
      // - if the fingerprint is the same as the one who had previously written to this session AND
      // - if session has not expired
      $result = $this->CI->db->query("SELECT session_data ".
                                                                      "FROM ".$this->tableName." ".
                                                                      "WHERE session_id = ".$this->CI->db->escape($session_id)." ".
                                                                      "AND fingerprint = ".$this->CI->db->escape($this->_generate_fingerprint())." ".
                                                                      "AND session_expire > '".time()."' LIMIT 1");

      // if anything was found
      if($result->num_rows() > 0) 
        // return found data
        $fields = $result->row();

        // Unserialization - PHP handles this automatically
        return $fields->session_data;

      // if there was an error return an empty string - this HAS to be an empty string


   *  Custom write() function
   *  @access private
  function _write($session_id, $session_data)
      // insert OR update session's data - this is how it works:
      // first it tries to insert a new row in the database BUT if session_id is already in the database then just
      // update session_data and session_expire for that specific session_id
      // read more here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/insert-on-duplicate.html
      $result = $this->CI->db->query(
                                                              "INSERT INTO ".$this->tableName." (".
                                                    ") VALUES (".
                                                              $this->CI->db->escape(time() + $this->sessionLifetime).
                                                          "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".
                                                                  "session_data = ".$this->CI->db->escape($session_data).",".
                                                              "session_expire = ".$this->CI->db->escape(time() + $this->sessionLifetime));

            // note that after this type of queries, mysql_affected_rows() returns
            // - 1 if the row was inserted
            // - 2 if the row was updated
          // if the row was inserted
          case 1:
                // if the row was updated
                case 2:
                // if something went wrong, return false

   *  Custom destroy() function
   *  @access private
  function _destroy($session_id)
      // deletes the current session id from the database
      $result = $this->CI->db->query("DELETE FROM ".$this->tableName." ".
                                                                  "WHERE session_id = ".$this->CI->db->escape($session_id));

      // if anything happened

      // if something went wrong, return false

   *  Custom gc() function (garbage collector)
   *  @access private
function _gc($maxlifetime)
        // it deletes expired sessions from database
    $result = $this->CI->db->query("DELETE FROM ".$this->tableName." ".
                                                                    "WHERE session_expire < ".$this->CI->db->escape(time() - $maxlifetime));



3 年后,更好的解决方案开箱即用。

我在 MIT 许可证上找到了这个:https://github.com/kirilkirkov/Shopping-Cart-Solution-CodeIgniter

使用 CI3,不使用 CI 购物车 class,后端、模板、支付、语言等。出色的工作!