如何使用 ZeroMQ PUB/SUB 发送由 ndarray 和 None 组成的 Python 字典?

How to send a Python dictionary consisting of ndarray and None using ZeroMQ PUB/SUB?

我正在尝试使用 ZeroMQ 传递包含 3 个图像的 python 字典(存储为 ndarray),以将其作为消费者传递给另一个程序并将数据解析回原始形式。遵循了三种方法,但都无法成功。


import pickle
import zmq

# Adding ZMQ Context
def zmq_context():
    # Creating ZMQ context starts
    context = zmq.Context()
    footage_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
    return footage_socket
wagon_dtl, ctr1_dtl, ctr2_dtl = NdArrays of images
socket_ctx = zmq_context()

# Trying two different ways of formatting the image before creating the dict, the below approach works for all three ndarrays

# 1st way
wagon_dtl = image_np_save # image_np_save is the original image

# 2nd way (this I tried because an ndarray isn't JSON serializable)
encoded, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image_np_save)
wagon_dtl = base64.b64encode(buffer)

if cond == "fulfilled":
    full_wgn_dict = {"wagon_dtl": wagon_dtl, "ctr1_dtl": ctr1_dtl, "ctr2_dtl": ctr2_dtl}
    # 1st way
    dict_as_b64text = base64.b64encode(full_wgn_dict)
    # 2nd way
    myjson = json.dumps(full_wgn_dict)
    # 3rd way
    dict_as_text = pickle.dumps(full_wgn_dict).encode('base64', 'strict')


我在处理此解决方案时遵循了这些 Q/As:1, 2, , 4, 5

Q : "How to send a Python dictionary consisting of ndarray and None using ZeroMQ PUB/SUB?"

很简单,最好使用 ready-made .send_pyobj() 方法来做到这一点。

PUB 应该调用 socket.send_pyobj( full_wgn_dict )-方法,这基本上是全部这边.

每个潜在的SUB-s 应重用.recv_pyobj()-方法。

然而所有 SUB-s 还必须再做一步,主动订阅以接收任何消息。

有关 socket.setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "" ) 的详细信息,请参阅 ZeroMQ 文档 API,或者不要犹豫,从许多示例中汲取经验 here

一些额外的技巧(琐碎的 dict-s 不需要)可能有助于 SER/DES 阶段的 pickle 阶段。然而,这些超出了这个问题的范围,并且可能会在受控环境中带来优势,但在开放的、不受控制的环境中会带来问题,在这些环境中,您满足所需先决条件的机会为零——在我的应用程序中,我更喜欢使用 import dill as pickle 具有更高的 pickle.dumps()-SER/DES 对象处理鲁棒性以及更多进步,例如存储 full-session 快照。致谢@MikeMcKearns

请随意 re-read __doc__ 字符串中所有 syntax-related 详细信息的文档:

>>> print zmq.Socket.send_pyobj.__doc__
Send a Python object as a message using pickle to serialize.

        obj : Python object
            The Python object to send.
        flags : int
            Any valid flags for :func:`Socket.send`.
        protocol : int
            The pickle protocol number to use. The default is pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL
            where defined, and pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL elsewhere.
>>> print zmq.Socket.recv_pyobj.__doc__
Receive a Python object as a message using pickle to serialize.

        flags : int
            Any valid flags for :func:`Socket.recv`.

        obj : Python object
            The Python object that arrives as a message.

            for any of the reasons :func:`~Socket.recv` might fail