
What is the type promotion rule for a parenthesized sub-expression?

假设一个整数表达式由多个无符号整数类型 uint16_tuint32_t 组成。该表达式包含一个带括号的子表达式,其中所有元素都是 uint16_t.


在评估子表达式之前,括号内的子表达式中的元素是否应该提升为 uint32_t


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    uint16_t a16 = 0x2000;
    uint16_t b16 = 0x3000;
    uint32_t c32 = 0x00000001;
    uint32_t d32;

    // Should (a16 * b16) be evaluated to 0x06000000, or to 0x0000?
    // Should d32 be evaluated to 0x06000001, or to 0x00000001?
    d32 = c32 + (a16 * b16);

    printf("d32=0x%08x\n", d32);

    return 0;

ideone 在线编译器中尝试此操作表明 a16b16 在乘法之前被提升为 uint32_t。这是C标准规定的吗?为什么不在括号内求值为 uint16_t

所有小于 int 的类型在乘法之前被提升为 int

所以如果你有一个 32 位 2 的补码 int 那么结果实际上是两个 int32_t 类型的乘积。


只要小于 int 的类型用于表达式,它首先被提升为 intunsigned int,而不管表达式的上下文如何。

这在 C standard 的第 节中有详细说明:

The following may be used in an expression wherever an int or unsigned int may be used

  • An object or expression with an integer type (other than int or unsigned int) whose integer conversion rank is less than or equal to the rank of int and unsigned int.
  • A bit-field of type _Bool, int, signed int,or unsigned int.

If an int can represent all values of the original type (as restricted by the width, for a bit-field), the value is converted to an int; otherwise, it is converted to an unsigned int. These are called the integer promotions. All other types are unchanged by the integer promotions

因此,在您的情况下,假设 int 大于 uint16_t.


Assume an integer expression comprised of multiple unsigned integral types uint16_t and uint32_t. The expression contains a parenthesized sub-expression, within which all elements are of type uint16_t.

Should the elements inside the parenthesized sub-expression be promoted to uint32_t prior to evaluating the sub-expression?


  1. uint16_tunsigned int 类型相同。在这种情况下,在使用两个 uint16_t 操作数计算运算时不执行任何提升,结果的类型为 uint16_t.

  2. intuint16_t宽,因此可以表示uint16_t可以表示的所有值。在这种情况下,当二元运算符的两个操作数都具有类型 uint16_t 时,它们都被提升为 int(这肯定与 uint32_t 不同),并且运算结果具有输入 int.


  1. uint16_tunsigned int 不是同一类型,但大小相同。在这种情况下,您要么晋升到 unsigned int(在这种情况下不能与 uint32_t 相同),要么没有晋升。

在任何情况下都不允许符合标准的 C 实现将有问题的操作数提升为 uint32_t,具有两个 uint16_t 操作数的操作也不会产生 uint32_t 结果。