通过 react-redux 调度组件

Dispatching components via react-redux

我想通过 redux 传递一个组件并将其显示在另一个组件中。 我正在做这样的事情:


const ComponentToDispatch = (props) => {
    return (<div>Propagate me {props.anthem}</div> {/* props.anthem = undefined, unlike what I expect.*/}
export {ComponentToDispatch};



 // code above
`import {ComponentToDispatch} from "./ComponentToDispatch";
 import {showComponentAction} from "./actions";
 const BruitEvent =()=>{
    const dispatch = useDispatch();
    return (<button onClick={(evt)=>dispatch(showComponentAction(ComponentToDispatch)}>
 Click to dispatch</button>);

The action that triggers this event is: actions.js

 export function ShowComponentAction(Component) {

 return {
    type: SHOW_ACTION,
    payload: {
      component: <Component />,

Finally, I can display the propagated component:

const DispayComponent = () =>{
const { component} = useSelector((state) => {
if (state.testDisplay) {
  return {
    component: state.testDisplay.component,
   return { component: null };

useInjectReducer({ key: "testDisplay", reducer });

   return (<div>{component}</div>);
 export {DisplayComponent};

到目前为止一切顺利,感谢 David Hellsing for his insight,我可以显示 `ComponentToDispatch' 中的所有静态内容,但它无法处理道具。



const BruitEvent =()=>{
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  return (
      onClick={(evt) => dispatch(
        showComponentAction(ComponentToDispatch, /* some possible props object */)
      Click to dispatch


export function ShowComponentAction(Component, props = {}) {
  return {
    type: SHOW_ACTION,
    payload: { Component, props }, // <-- assumes reducer places in state.testDisplay


const DispayComponent = () =>{
  const { Component, prop } = useSelector((state) => state.testDisplay);

  useInjectReducer({ key: "testDisplay", reducer });

  return Component ? <div><Component {...props} /></div> : null;