如何将 Seq.sum 用于任何 .Net 值类型?

How can I use Seq.sum for any .Net value types?

我正在寻找一个函数来处理任何数字类型数据(int、float、double)的序列,通过映射对其进行一些计算,然后对这些计算值进行求和。我 运行 遇到的问题是 Seq.sum (或者通常只是“(+)”)导致类型参数为整数,或者只是给出一个完全错误。似乎应该有一种方法可以通过使用类型约束来完成这项工作,但我似乎无法理解。

type ValueWithComputation<'v> = {Value: seq<'v>; Computation: 'v -> 'v}

let calculateAndCombine (x: ValueWithComputation<'v>) = 
    |> Seq.map x.Computation
    |> Seq.sum // sometimes gives error: "Could not resolve the ambiguity inherent in the use of operator '(+)'

let x = {Value= {1..10}; Computation= (fun x->x*2)}
let y = {Value= {(1.0)..(10.0)}; Computation= (fun x->x*x)}

let totalX = calculateAndCombine x //this causes the code force 'v to be int
let totalY = calculateAndCombine y //gives an error since this isn't an int

这似乎与 类似,但它并没有真正解释如何让它适用于所有值类型。

我让它像这样工作。阅读由 Foggy Finder 链接的答案。然后你还需要静态成员 Zero 才能使 sum 工作。

type ValueWithComputation< ^T when ^T: (static member (+): ^T * ^T -> ^T) and ^T: (static member Zero: ^T)> = 
  { Value: seq< ^T>
    Computation: ^T -> ^T }

let inline calculateAndCombine x = 
    |> Seq.map x.Computation
    |> Seq.sum

let x = {Value= {1..10}; Computation= (fun x->x*2)}
let y = {Value= {(1.0)..(10.0)}; Computation= (fun x->x*x)}

let totalX = calculateAndCombine x
let totalY = calculateAndCombine y