将 if 语句条件与用户输入语句匹配(减少多个条件)

Match if-statement conditions with user input sentence (reduce multiple conditions)

我是 Python 3 的新手,我需要一些帮助!


1) You open the letter, you are too curious! 
2) You do not want to miss class, so you put it in your backpack. 
3) You think this is not real and quite ridiculous, so you throw it in the bin. 
4) You definitely want to open this together with {Friend_name}!

对于每个选项,我都在 while 循环中使用了 if 语句,因为如果有任何机会输入错误,我想再次提出问题。这是前两个选项的示例代码:

while True:
    first_choice = input(prompt ="What is your choice?  - ")

    if first_choice == "1" or first_choice == "open" or first_choice == "letter" or first_choice == "open letter" or first_choice == "are too curious" or first_choice == "curious"
        You call {Friend_name over}, who was waiting for you in the hall. 
        You rip the letter open and....""")

   elif first_choice == "2"or first_choice == "do" or or first_choice == "not" or or first_choice == "miss" or or first_choice == "class" or or first_choice == "miss class" 
        print("Class turned to be very boring" )

选项 1 和 2 中提到了一些匹配示例。 是否有更好的方法来定义 if 语句中可能的不同 string 条件? 除了:

    if first_choice == "1" or first_choice == "open" or first_choice == "letter" or 
    first_choice == "open letter" or first_choice == "are too curious" or first_choice 
    == "curious"

如果是这样,我该怎么办,代码结构会不会改变? P.S,用户应该能够输入除数字 1 或 2 之外的其他内容。不幸的是,这是游戏的要求。



if first_choice in ("1", "open", "letter", "open letter", "are too curious", "curious"):
    #process code


expected_replies_1 = ['1', 'open', 'letter', 'open letter',]
first_choice = input(prompt ="What is your choice?  - ")

if first_choice in expected_replies_1:
    do stuff...