如何使用递归提取 ContextMenuStrip 的所有 ToolStripMenuItems?

How to extract all ToolStripMenuItems of a ContextMenuStrip using recursion?

我正在尝试将所有项目从 ContextMenuStrip 提取到 List(Of ToolStripMenuItem)
我可以获得 DataGridView 的 ContextMenuStrip 的引用,然后 - 使用递归函数 - 我想提取所有 ToolStripMenuItemsNameText 属性,不包括 [=16] =],如果有的话。


allItem = New List(Of Control)
Dim lstDbg As List(Of Control) = FindControlRecursive(allItem, form, GetType(DataGridView))

Dim dictRes As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
For Each dbgCtrl As Control In lstDbg
    If dbgCtrl.Name <> "" Then
        For Each mnuStrip As ToolStripItem In dbgCtrl.ContextMenuStrip.Items
            If mnuStrip.GetType() = GetType(ToolStripMenuItem) Then
                Dim lstItem As New List(Of ToolStripMenuItem)
                Dim lstTS As List(Of ToolStripMenuItem) = FindControlRecursive_ContextMenu(lstItem, mnuStrip, GetType(ToolStripMenuItem))
                    For Each item As ToolStripMenuItem In lstTS
                        dictRes.Add(item.Name, item.Text)
             End If
    End If


 Public Function FindControlRecursive_ContextMenu(ByVal list As List(Of ToolStripMenuItem), ByVal parent As ToolStripMenuItem, ByVal ctrlType As System.Type) As List(Of ToolStripMenuItem)
    If parent Is Nothing Then Return list
    If parent.GetType Is ctrlType Then
    End If
    For Each child As ToolStripMenuItem In parent.DropDown.Items
        FindControlRecursive_ContextMenu(list, child, ctrlType)
    Return list
End Function

有效,但如果下拉列表中有 ToolStripSeparator,我没有 DropDown.Items 元素,函数会生成异常。

如何跳过 ToolStripSeparators 并使用下一个“子”调用递归函数?

因为只有 ToolStripMenuItem are needed, you can simply filter the ContextMenuStrip.Items collection beforehand, collecting only Item of that specific type. The Collection.OfType([Type]) method is commonly used for this. OfType() only returns Items of the type specified: ToolStripSeparator 类型的 sub-items 不属于该类型,所以它不会包含在过滤集合中(其他组件类型,如 ToolStripTextBox、ToolStripComboBox 等也不会) .

递归函数可以是一个 iterator which returns an IEnumerable(Of ToolStripMenuItem),它产生在 for each 循环中找到的每个项目。

► 将 Option StrictOption ExplicitOption Infer 设置为 On

 Dim cmsItems As Dictionary(Of String, String) = GetAllContextMenuItems(contextMenuStrip1)
Imports System.Linq

Private Function GetAllContextMenuItems(contextMenu As ContextMenuStrip) As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    If contextMenu Is Nothing OrElse (Not contextMenu.HasChildren) Then Return Nothing
    Dim dict = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    For Each item As ToolStripMenuItem In contextMenu.Items.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)
        dict.Add(item.Name, item.Text)
        For Each subItem In GetSubMenuItems(item)
            dict.Add(subItem.Name, subItem.Text)
    Return dict
End Function

Private Iterator Function GetSubMenuItems(parent As ToolStripMenuItem) As IEnumerable(Of ToolStripMenuItem)
    For Each item As ToolStripMenuItem In parent.DropDownItems.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)
        If item.HasDropDownItems Then
            For Each subItem As ToolStripMenuItem In GetSubMenuItems(item)
                Yield subItem
            Yield item
        End If
End Function