Microsoft Graph API 错误消息不准确
Microsoft Graph API inaccurate error message
我正在尝试使用 Microsoft Graph API 在 Azure AD B2C 中添加用户。当我添加一个用户时,我的代码工作得很好,但我试图用给 API (邮件、姓名等)的相同信息第二次添加它,并预期会出现像 [=14 这样的错误=]
User already exists
我的 API 调用是这样完成的:
var result = await graphClient.Users.Request().AddAsync(new User()
AccountEnabled = true,
Mail = "",
MailNickname = "example",
UserPrincipalName = "",
Surname = "TEST",
DisplayName = "test",
GivenName = "TEST test",
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = true,
Password = "tmpPwd"
请记住,我的第一个调用正确地将用户添加到 AD,为什么 API 会 return 我这条消息:
Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException : 'Code: Request_BadRequest
Message: One or more properties contains invalid values.
根据 document 使用下面的 属性 创建用户而没有 mail
Code: Request_BadRequest
Message: Another object with the same value for property userPrincipalName already exists.
var result = await graphClient.Users.Request().AddAsync(new User()
AccountEnabled = true,
MailNickname = "example",
UserPrincipalName = "",
Surname = "TEST",
DisplayName = "test",
GivenName = "TEST test",
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = true,
Password = "password@1234"
使用额外的 属性 可能会更改您当前收到的错误上下文
我正在尝试使用 Microsoft Graph API 在 Azure AD B2C 中添加用户。当我添加一个用户时,我的代码工作得很好,但我试图用给 API (邮件、姓名等)的相同信息第二次添加它,并预期会出现像 [=14 这样的错误=]
User already exists
我的 API 调用是这样完成的:
var result = await graphClient.Users.Request().AddAsync(new User()
AccountEnabled = true,
Mail = "",
MailNickname = "example",
UserPrincipalName = "",
Surname = "TEST",
DisplayName = "test",
GivenName = "TEST test",
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = true,
Password = "tmpPwd"
请记住,我的第一个调用正确地将用户添加到 AD,为什么 API 会 return 我这条消息:
Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException : 'Code: Request_BadRequest
Message: One or more properties contains invalid values.
根据 document 使用下面的 属性 创建用户而没有 mail
Code: Request_BadRequest
Message: Another object with the same value for property userPrincipalName already exists.
var result = await graphClient.Users.Request().AddAsync(new User()
AccountEnabled = true,
MailNickname = "example",
UserPrincipalName = "",
Surname = "TEST",
DisplayName = "test",
GivenName = "TEST test",
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = true,
Password = "password@1234"
使用额外的 属性 可能会更改您当前收到的错误上下文