
Breadth First Search: Can't find path, shortest path to border in 2D-Array


因此,我必须在 UIButtons 的二维数组上进行 Breath First Search 以找到从 playerButton 到边界.




如果你能 download my project (all together 300 lines of code) here 最好。然后你可以用这些模式测试问题:(按给定的顺序点击标记的按钮/点)

  1. 找不到可能的路径,但是有很多:(1,2) -> (0,3) -> (1,4)

  2. 找不到可能的路径,但有一个:(2,2) -> (1,3) -> (2,4) -> (2,5) -> (3 ,5) -> (4,4) -> (3,3)

  3. 循环 Up/Down/Up/...: (3,4) -> (2,3) -> (2,2) -> (1,1) -> ( 1,0) -> (3,4) -> (3,5) -> (4,6) -> (4,7) -> (5,8)

重要提示:有无数种可能的方法来查看这些问题,这 3 种模式只是为了更快地找到问题,您不必多次尝试直到问题出现。此外,您必须取消注释第 94 行 (possibleNeighbours.shuffle()),因为这会使模式随机化。

如果你不想下载我的整个项目,你可以看看我的广度优先搜索方法,return 蓝点必须移动到下一个 x 和 y 坐标:

    func findDirection()->String{
    var blockedArr:  [[Bool]] = [[false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false],
                                 [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]] // Can do it like this as its always 9X9
    for btnline in btnArr{ //Block all dots which are already occupied
        for btn in btnline{
            if(btn.backgroundColor != defaultColor){
                blockedArr[getX(btn: btn)][getY(btn: btn)] = true
    let otheryQueue = otherQueue<Pair>()
    let pair = Pair()
    var possibleNeighbours = findPossibleNeighbours(btn: btnArr[playerX][playerY], blockedArr: blockedArr) //returns array of all possible neighbours of given dot
    print(String(possibleNeighbours.description) + " possibeNeighs beginning" )
   //possibleNeighbours.shuffle() //IMPORTANT: Uncomment this to make it more random
    for neighbour in possibleNeighbours{
        if(isOnBorder(point: neighbour)){
            print("Blue dot is on border")
            return neighbour
        pair.setPair(firstValue: neighbour, secondValue: neighbour)
        otheryQueue.enqueue(key: pair)
        blockedArr[getXFromString(string: neighbour)][getYFromString(string: neighbour)] = true
    // Start the search
        let pointPair = otheryQueue.dequeue()
        let button = btnArr[getXFromString(string: (pointPair?.getFirst())!)][getYFromString(string: (pointPair?.getFirst())!)]
        possibleNeighbours = findPossibleNeighbours(btn: button, blockedArr: blockedArr)
        for neighbour in possibleNeighbours{
            if isOnBorder(point: neighbour){
                return (pointPair?.getSecond())!
            pair.setPair(firstValue: neighbour, secondValue: (pointPair?.getSecond())!)
            otheryQueue.enqueue(key: pair)
            blockedArr[getXFromString(string: neighbour)][getYFromString(string: neighbour)] = true
    print("No path found!")
    return "-1 -1" //return (-1, -1) position if NO PATH FOUND

这是游戏视图的屏幕截图,以帮助理解我对 (1,2)、(0,3)、蓝点等的含义:




你的 findDirection() 函数中有这段代码:

    let otheryQueue = otherQueue<Pair>()
    let pair = Pair()
    var possibleNeighbours = findPossibleNeighbours(btn: btnArr[playerX][playerY], blockedArr: blockedArr) //returns array of all possible neighbours of given dot
    print(String(possibleNeighbours.description) + " possibeNeighs beginning" )
   //possibleNeighbours.shuffle() //IMPORTANT: Uncomment this to make it more random
    for neighbour in possibleNeighbours{
        if(isOnBorder(point: neighbour)){
            print("Blue dot is on border")
            return neighbour
        pair.setPair(firstValue: neighbour, secondValue: neighbour)
        otheryQueue.enqueue(key: pair)
        blockedArr[getXFromString(string: neighbour)][getYFromString(string: neighbour)] = true

    // Start the search


    var p = otheryQueue.first
    while p != nil {
        print("first", p?.data.first, "second", p?.data.second)
        p = p?.next
    // Start the search

如果我开始点击任何灰点,例如 0 0,我在控制台中得到的输出是:

Button 0 0 tapped
["4 3", "5 4", "4 5", "3 5", "3 4", "3 3"] possibeNeighs beginning
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")

(如果我先点击 3 3,输出将全部为“3 4”)。

您的代码只创建了一个 pair 对象,然后每次循环都修改它的值。

您可能想在每次要 .enqueue 对象时创建一个 new pair 对象:

    for neighbour in possibleNeighbours{
        if(isOnBorder(point: neighbour)){
            print("Blue dot is on border")
            return neighbour
        // add this line
        let pair = Pair()
        pair.setPair(firstValue: neighbour, secondValue: neighbour)
        otheryQueue.enqueue(key: pair)
        blockedArr[getXFromString(string: neighbour)][getYFromString(string: neighbour)] = true

现在我第一次点击 0 0 时的控制台输出是:

Button 0 0 tapped
["4 3", "5 4", "4 5", "3 5", "3 4", "3 3"] possibeNeighs beginning
first Optional("4 3") second Optional("4 3")
first Optional("5 4") second Optional("5 4")
first Optional("4 5") second Optional("4 5")
first Optional("3 5") second Optional("3 5")
first Optional("3 4") second Optional("3 4")
first Optional("3 3") second Optional("3 3")


    // Start the search
        let pointPair = otheryQueue.dequeue()
        let button = btnArr[getXFromString(string: (pointPair?.getFirst())!)][getYFromString(string: (pointPair?.getFirst())!)]
        possibleNeighbours = findPossibleNeighbours(btn: button, blockedArr: blockedArr)
        for neighbour in possibleNeighbours{
            if isOnBorder(point: neighbour){
                return (pointPair?.getSecond())!
            // add this line
            let pair = Pair()
            pair.setPair(firstValue: neighbour, secondValue: (pointPair?.getSecond())!)
            otheryQueue.enqueue(key: pair)
            blockedArr[getXFromString(string: neighbour)][getYFromString(string: neighbour)] = true