Typescript 将函数参数匹配到类型映射的键和值

Typescript match function arguments to key and value of a type map

我有一个非常简单的案例,但我对 Typescript 打字的经验有限,我似乎无法解决这个看似简单的案例。


interface KeyValueMap {
  key: 'value';
  foo: 'bar';


const test = <K extends keyof KeyValueMap>(key: K, value: KeyValueMap[K]) => {
  switch (key) {
    case 'key':
      return value; // currently getting "KeyValueMap[K]" expecting "value"
    case 'foo':
      return value; // currently getting "KeyValueMap[K]" expecting "bar"

我试图搜索类似的案例,但我的 Google 似乎坏了... 因此,如果 Whosebug 上已经存在此类示例,则标记为重复时不会冒犯。


在@ShivamSingla 对我的问题发表评论后,我意识到我的问题可能不够清楚。我对函数的 return 值不感兴趣,但已经希望在实际函数逻辑(在 switch-case 内)中识别该类型。我将更改示例以使其更清楚:

interface KeyObjectMap {
  foo: {
    key1: 'value1';
  bar: {
    key2: 'value2';

const test = <K extends keyof KeyObjectMap>(key: K, value: KeyObjectMap[K]) => {
  switch (key) {
    case 'foo':
      return value.key1; // property 'key1' does not exist on 'KeyObjectMap[K]'
    case 'bar':
      return value.key2; // property 'key2' does not exist on 'KeyObjectMap[K]'

Here you can find a Playground with this example

由于 keyvalue 没有关联,值可以是 re-assigned,在 switch case 之前。这就是错误的原因。请参阅 this 答案以获得更好的理解。

interface KeyObjectMap {
  foo: {
    key1: 'value1';
  bar: {
    key2: 'value2';

type K1 = keyof KeyObjectMap

const test = <K extends K1 = K1>(key: K, value: KeyObjectMap[K]) => {
  // error here, 'key2' is missing
  value = {
    key1: 'value1',

  // value is actually intersection, subtype `KeyObjectMap` actually
  value = {
    key1: 'value1',
    key2: 'value2',

  // since `key` and `value` are not associated, value can be re-assigned
  // before switch case. That's why the error

  switch (key) {
    case 'foo':
      return value.key1; // property 'key1' does not exist on 'KeyObjectMap[K]'
    case 'bar':
      return value.key2; // property 'key2' does not exist on 'KeyObjectMap[K]'



interface KeyObjectMap {
  foo: {
    key1: 'value1';
  bar: {
    key2: 'value2';

const test = <O extends Partial<KeyObjectMap>>(obj: O) => {
  if (obj.foo) {
    return obj.foo.key1

  if (obj.bar) {
    return obj.bar.key2

  return undefined

// calling
const c = test({foo: {key1: 'value1'}})
