表单识别器撰写功能限制:文档说 100 但响应错误只有 5

Form Recognizer compose feature limit: documentation says 100 but response error just 5

Microsoft 文档上说 (link):

With Model Compose, you can compose up to 100 models to a single model ID. When you call Analyze with this composed model ID, Form Recognizer will first classify the form you submitted, matching it to the best matching model, and then return results for that model. This is useful when incoming forms may belong to one of several templates.

但我正在尝试使用此功能组合 6 个模型,但我从表单识别器中收到此错误 API

    "error": {
        "code": "1001",
        "message": "Parameter 'ModelIds' models count exceed limit for compose: 5."


Form Recognizer Free 资源支持每个模型组合 5 个模型。请升级到付费资源,该资源最多支持一个模型组合中的 100 个模型,以便将超过 5 个模型组合成一个模型组合。