
Issue with trying to create a thread

我正在尝试创建一个函数,该函数接受一个 std::function 和一个值向量,并将 return 一个包含这些值的函数输出的向量,并利用线程为了加快速度。

当我编译我的代码时,它说它无法为 std::invoke 专门化函数模板并且它需要 1 个参数并得到 7


#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>

    typename RETURN,
    typename INPUT
void thread_instance(std::function<RETURN(INPUT)> function, 
                     const std::vector<INPUT>& input, 
                     typename std::vector<INPUT>::iterator input_start, 
                     typename std::vector<INPUT>::iterator input_end,
                     std::vector<RETURN>& output,
                     typename std::vector<RETURN>::iterator output_start)
    for (; input_start != input_end; ++input_start, ++output_start)
        *output_start = function(*input_start);

    typename RETURN,
    typename INPUT
std::vector<RETURN> thread_map(std::function<RETURN(INPUT)> function, std::vector<INPUT> input, int thread_count)
    std::vector<std::thread> threads(thread_count);
    std::vector<RETURN> output(input.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i)
        int start_index = (input.size() / thread_count) * i;
        int end_index = start_index + input.size() / thread_count;
        typename std::vector<INPUT>::iterator thread_input_start = input.begin() + start_index;
        typename std::vector<INPUT>::iterator thread_input_end = input.begin() + end_index;
        typename std::vector<RETURN>::iterator thread_output_start = output.begin() + start_index;
        threads[i] = std::thread(thread_instance<RETURN, INPUT>, function, input, thread_input_start, thread_input_end, output, thread_output_start);
    for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i)
    return output;

int multiply_by_2(int num)
    return num * 2;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    std::vector<int> nums_to_sum = { 4,3,67,5,32,6,3,2,4 };
    std::vector<int> summed_nums = thread_map(std::function<int(int)>(multiply_by_2), nums_to_sum, 12);

根据 cppreference std::thread:

The arguments to the thread function are moved or copied by value. If a reference argument needs to be passed to the thread function, it has to be wrapped (e.g., with std::ref or std::cref).



    typename RETURN,
    typename INPUT
void thread_instance(std::function<RETURN(INPUT)> function,
    const std::vector<INPUT>& input,
    typename std::vector<INPUT>::iterator input_start,
    typename std::vector<INPUT>::iterator input_end,
    typename std::vector<RETURN>::iterator output_start)
    for (; input_start != input_end; ++input_start, ++output_start)
        *output_start = function(*input_start);


int start_index = (input.size() / thread_count) * i;

thread_count 大于 input.size() 结果将始终为零。而不是 12 一个数字,例如 3,它是 9 的约数,会更好。还要记住,创建线程的成本相对较高,您不想创建太多。 std::thread::hardware_concurrency() 将 return 您的系统支持的并发线程数。