R subset/keep 至少包含两个特定文本字符串的所有行

R subset/keep all rows with at least two specific text strings


我希望对包含我的小词典(“贫困|报告|警报|inflation”)中至少 2 个术语 的所有观察结果进行子集化,或者同一个术语两次(例如 report 在文本中出现两次)。

texts <- data.frame(text = c("report highlights that poverty is widespread", "there is inflation", "alarming reports", "thanks for listening"), id = 1:4, group = 4:7)

texts[grepl("poverty|report|alarming|inflation", texts$text, ignore.case=T),]
#      I don't want this:                      text id group
#1 report highlights that poverty is widespread  1     4
#2                           there is inflation  2     5
#3                             alarming reports  3     6


#                                                     text id group
#1 report highlights that poverty is widespread         1     4
#3                         alarming reports             3     6


> library(stringr)
> library(dplyr)
> texts %>% filter(str_count(text, pattern = "poverty|report|alarming|inflation") > 1)
                                          text id group
1 report highlights that poverty is widespread  1     4
2                             alarming reports  3     6

尝试这种base R方法:

texts <- data.frame(text = c("report highlights that poverty is widespread", "there is inflation", "alarming reports", "thanks for listening"), id = 1:4, group = 4:7,stringsAsFactors = F)
Index <- apply(texts[,1,drop=F],1,function(x)sum(grepl("poverty|report|alarming|inflation",
                                                       unlist(strsplit(x,split =' ')),


                                          text id group
1 report highlights that poverty is widespread  1     4
3                             alarming reports  3     6