How can I bind a member function of an instance whose address may change?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
class B;
class A {
std::function<void(B*, const std::string&)> m_callback;
void* m_dest = nullptr; // Will be used in later versions of this code.
void trigger(const std::string& message) {
m_callback(m_dest, message);
class B {
void callbackFunc(void* ignore, const std::string& message) {
std::cout << message << std::endl;
void otherCallbackFunc(void* ignore, const std::string& message) {
std::cout << "The other function was called!" << std::endl;
int main {
A a1, a2;
B* b1 = new B();
B* b2 = new B();
a1.m_dest = (void *)b;
a1.m_callback = std::bind(&B::callbackFunc, b, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
a2.m_dest = (void *)b;
a2.m_callback = std::bind(&B::otherCallbackFunc, b, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
a1.trigger("Hello, world.");
a2.trigger("Hello, world.");
delete B;
但是B实例不是'static';如果它存储在向量或其他可能 std::move
的数据结构中?我如何重写 A,以便在为 B 提供最新的内存地址时,它仍然可以正确调用 callbackFunc()
一种可能的解决方案是使用 lambda:
int main {
A a1, a2;
std::vector<B> bees = {};
bees.push_back(B()); // b1
bees.push_back(B()); // b2
a1.m_callback = [](void* dest, const std::string& message){
((B*)dest)->callbackFunc(dest, message);
a2.m_callback = [](void* dest, const std::string& message){
((B*)dest)->otherCallbackFunc(dest, message);
/* move b instances about using std::move... */
bees.insert(bees.begin(), B()); // b3
// At this point in the program, we do not know which callback function was attached for each B instance.
a1.m_b = (void *)&bees[0]; // b1 is now at a different address, but we still know where it is and can tell a1 that information.
a2.m_b = (void *)&bees[1]; // b2 is now at a different address, but we still know where it is and can tell a2 that information.
a1.trigger("Hello, world.");
a2.trigger("Hello, world.");
然而,这太可怕了。它涉及创建潜在的大量几乎没有区别的 lambda,散布在任何可能想要将回调放入 A 的代码中。它丑陋、低效且使用起来很痛苦。
How can I bind a member function of an instance whose address may change?
if it's stored in a vector or some other data structure which may move it about?
对于 vector 中的实例,一种解决方案是绑定 vector 本身。例如,假设您希望仿函数调用向量第一个元素的成员函数。重新分配后,元素将被存储在其他地方的另一个实例替换,但这并不重要,因为我们总是通过向量访问它来找到正确的元素:
std::vector<B> bs(42);
a.m_callback = [&bs](void* dest, const std::string& message) {
bs[0].callbackFunc(dest, message);
解决该问题的另一种方法是确保元素的地址不变。基于节点的数据结构,例如链表 (std::list
) 和树 (std::map
) 为所有操作提供这种保证(出于显而易见的原因,删除元素除外)。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
class B;
class A {
std::function<void(B*, const std::string&)> m_callback;
void* m_dest = nullptr; // Will be used in later versions of this code.
void trigger(const std::string& message) {
m_callback(m_dest, message);
class B {
void callbackFunc(void* ignore, const std::string& message) {
std::cout << message << std::endl;
void otherCallbackFunc(void* ignore, const std::string& message) {
std::cout << "The other function was called!" << std::endl;
int main {
A a1, a2;
B* b1 = new B();
B* b2 = new B();
a1.m_dest = (void *)b;
a1.m_callback = std::bind(&B::callbackFunc, b, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
a2.m_dest = (void *)b;
a2.m_callback = std::bind(&B::otherCallbackFunc, b, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
a1.trigger("Hello, world.");
a2.trigger("Hello, world.");
delete B;
但是B实例不是'static';如果它存储在向量或其他可能 std::move
的数据结构中?我如何重写 A,以便在为 B 提供最新的内存地址时,它仍然可以正确调用 callbackFunc()
一种可能的解决方案是使用 lambda:
int main {
A a1, a2;
std::vector<B> bees = {};
bees.push_back(B()); // b1
bees.push_back(B()); // b2
a1.m_callback = [](void* dest, const std::string& message){
((B*)dest)->callbackFunc(dest, message);
a2.m_callback = [](void* dest, const std::string& message){
((B*)dest)->otherCallbackFunc(dest, message);
/* move b instances about using std::move... */
bees.insert(bees.begin(), B()); // b3
// At this point in the program, we do not know which callback function was attached for each B instance.
a1.m_b = (void *)&bees[0]; // b1 is now at a different address, but we still know where it is and can tell a1 that information.
a2.m_b = (void *)&bees[1]; // b2 is now at a different address, but we still know where it is and can tell a2 that information.
a1.trigger("Hello, world.");
a2.trigger("Hello, world.");
然而,这太可怕了。它涉及创建潜在的大量几乎没有区别的 lambda,散布在任何可能想要将回调放入 A 的代码中。它丑陋、低效且使用起来很痛苦。
How can I bind a member function of an instance whose address may change?
if it's stored in a vector or some other data structure which may move it about?
对于 vector 中的实例,一种解决方案是绑定 vector 本身。例如,假设您希望仿函数调用向量第一个元素的成员函数。重新分配后,元素将被存储在其他地方的另一个实例替换,但这并不重要,因为我们总是通过向量访问它来找到正确的元素:
std::vector<B> bs(42);
a.m_callback = [&bs](void* dest, const std::string& message) {
bs[0].callbackFunc(dest, message);
解决该问题的另一种方法是确保元素的地址不变。基于节点的数据结构,例如链表 (std::list
) 和树 (std::map
) 为所有操作提供这种保证(出于显而易见的原因,删除元素除外)。