如何在 python 中打印文本文件中单词的行号?
How can I print the line number of a word in text file in python?
我试图找到一种方法来打印 txt 文件中最大的单词、它的大小以及它在哪一行。我设法完成了另外两个,但不太清楚如何打印行号。谁能帮帮我?
def LargestWord():
list_words = []
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.read().split()
for i in lines:
words = i.split()
list_words.append(max(words, key=len))
largest_word = str(max(list_words, key=len))
print largest_word
print len(largest_words)
def FindWord(largest_word):
def FindWord(largest_word):
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
linecounter = 1
for i in lines:
if largest_word in lines:
return linecounter
linecounter += 1
您可以在 for 中使用 enumerate 来获取当前行,并使用 lambda[=16] sorted =] 得到最长的单词:
def longest_word_from_file(filename):
list_words = []
with open(filename, 'r') as input_file:
for index, line in enumerate(input_file):
words = line.split()
list_words.append((max(words, key=len), index))
sorted_words = sorted(list_words, key=lambda x: -len(x[0]))
longest_word, line_index = sorted_words[0]
return longest_word, line_index
您无需再循环遍历每一行的最大单词列表。每个 for-loop 都会增加函数时间和复杂性,最好尽可能避免不必要的。
作为选项之一,您可以使用 Python 的 built-in 函数 enumerate 从行列表中获取每一行的索引,而不是添加每一行line maximum到列表中,你可以将它与当前的最大单词进行比较。
def get_largest_word():
# Setting initial variable values
current_max_word = ''
current_max_word_length = 0
current_max_word_line = None
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
words = line.split()
max_word_in_line = max(words, key=len)
max_word_in_line_length = len(max_word_in_line)
if max_word_in_line_length > current_max_word_length:
# updating the largest word value with a new maximum word
current_max_word = max_word_in_line
current_max_word_length = max_word_in_line_length
current_max_word_line = line_index + 1 # line number starting from 1
return current_max_word, current_max_word_length, current_max_word_line
P.S.: 这个函数不建议如何处理相同长度的行最大单词,以及应该选择其中哪些作为绝对最大。您需要相应地调整代码。
P.P.S.: 此示例在 Python 3 中,因此如果需要,请将代码片段更改为在 Python 2.7 中工作。
- 许多 'largest' 个长度相同的单词
- 几行包含最大长度的单词
这是查找一个最大单词的代码和 returns 包含该单词的行数列表:
# built a dictionary:
# line_num: largest_word_in_this_line
# line_num: largest_word_in_this_line
# etc...
# !!! actually, a line can contain several largest words
list_words = {}
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
for i, line in enumerate(infile.read().splitlines()):
list_words[i] = max(line.split(), key=len)
# get the largest word from values of the dictionary
# !!! there can be several different 'largest' words with the same length
largest_word = max(list_words.values(), key=len)
# get a list of numbers of lines (keys of the dictionary) that contain the largest word
lines = list(filter(lambda key: list_words[key] == largest_word, list_words))
lines = list(filter(lambda key: len(list_words[key]) == len(largest_word), list_words))
我试图找到一种方法来打印 txt 文件中最大的单词、它的大小以及它在哪一行。我设法完成了另外两个,但不太清楚如何打印行号。谁能帮帮我?
def LargestWord():
list_words = []
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.read().split()
for i in lines:
words = i.split()
list_words.append(max(words, key=len))
largest_word = str(max(list_words, key=len))
print largest_word
print len(largest_words)
def FindWord(largest_word):
def FindWord(largest_word):
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
linecounter = 1
for i in lines:
if largest_word in lines:
return linecounter
linecounter += 1
您可以在 for 中使用 enumerate 来获取当前行,并使用 lambda[=16] sorted =] 得到最长的单词:
def longest_word_from_file(filename):
list_words = []
with open(filename, 'r') as input_file:
for index, line in enumerate(input_file):
words = line.split()
list_words.append((max(words, key=len), index))
sorted_words = sorted(list_words, key=lambda x: -len(x[0]))
longest_word, line_index = sorted_words[0]
return longest_word, line_index
您无需再循环遍历每一行的最大单词列表。每个 for-loop 都会增加函数时间和复杂性,最好尽可能避免不必要的。
作为选项之一,您可以使用 Python 的 built-in 函数 enumerate 从行列表中获取每一行的索引,而不是添加每一行line maximum到列表中,你可以将它与当前的最大单词进行比较。
def get_largest_word():
# Setting initial variable values
current_max_word = ''
current_max_word_length = 0
current_max_word_line = None
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
words = line.split()
max_word_in_line = max(words, key=len)
max_word_in_line_length = len(max_word_in_line)
if max_word_in_line_length > current_max_word_length:
# updating the largest word value with a new maximum word
current_max_word = max_word_in_line
current_max_word_length = max_word_in_line_length
current_max_word_line = line_index + 1 # line number starting from 1
return current_max_word, current_max_word_length, current_max_word_line
P.S.: 这个函数不建议如何处理相同长度的行最大单词,以及应该选择其中哪些作为绝对最大。您需要相应地调整代码。
P.P.S.: 此示例在 Python 3 中,因此如果需要,请将代码片段更改为在 Python 2.7 中工作。
- 许多 'largest' 个长度相同的单词
- 几行包含最大长度的单词
这是查找一个最大单词的代码和 returns 包含该单词的行数列表:
# built a dictionary:
# line_num: largest_word_in_this_line
# line_num: largest_word_in_this_line
# etc...
# !!! actually, a line can contain several largest words
list_words = {}
with open('song.txt', 'r') as infile:
for i, line in enumerate(infile.read().splitlines()):
list_words[i] = max(line.split(), key=len)
# get the largest word from values of the dictionary
# !!! there can be several different 'largest' words with the same length
largest_word = max(list_words.values(), key=len)
# get a list of numbers of lines (keys of the dictionary) that contain the largest word
lines = list(filter(lambda key: list_words[key] == largest_word, list_words))
lines = list(filter(lambda key: len(list_words[key]) == len(largest_word), list_words))