当它不适合视口时,如何让 popper 显示滚动条?
How to make popper show the scrollbars when it doesn't fit the viewport?
<div class="h-100 d-flex">
<div id="container" class="mx-auto my-auto bg-grn">
<div id="tooltip" class="bg-blu overflow-auto" style="color: white">
<!-- Ideally this should overflow -->
Long content
<!-- But instead the whole body overflows -->
const tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip')
tooltip.innerText += 'Long content'.repeat(450)
const popper = Popper.createPopper(document.getElementById("container"), tooltip, {
placement: 'right-start'
在 JSFiddle 上查看。在 jsFiddle 上,控制台阻止了 x 滚动条,但它在那里。
您需要设置工具提示的 width
和 height
#tooltip {
height: 150px;
max-width: 40vw;
已更新 JSFiddle。
我忘了怎么做,重新发现了社区修改器maxSize. Which should do what you want: https://codesandbox.io/s/great-tesla-3roz7?file=/src/index.js:222-229
注意:此代码是从上面的 codesandbox link 复制而来的:
const applyMaxSize = {
name: "applyMaxSize",
enabled: true,
phase: "beforeWrite",
requires: ["maxSize"],
fn({ state }) {
const { height } = state.modifiersData.maxSize;
state.styles.popper.maxHeight = `${height}px`;
const reference = document.querySelector("#reference");
const popper = document.querySelector("#popper");
createPopper(reference, popper, {
modifiers: [maxSize, applyMaxSize]
<div class="h-100 d-flex">
<div id="container" class="mx-auto my-auto bg-grn">
<div id="tooltip" class="bg-blu overflow-auto" style="color: white">
<!-- Ideally this should overflow -->
Long content
<!-- But instead the whole body overflows -->
const tooltip = document.getElementById('tooltip')
tooltip.innerText += 'Long content'.repeat(450)
const popper = Popper.createPopper(document.getElementById("container"), tooltip, {
placement: 'right-start'
在 JSFiddle 上查看。在 jsFiddle 上,控制台阻止了 x 滚动条,但它在那里。
您需要设置工具提示的 width
和 height
#tooltip {
height: 150px;
max-width: 40vw;
已更新 JSFiddle。
我忘了怎么做,重新发现了社区修改器maxSize. Which should do what you want: https://codesandbox.io/s/great-tesla-3roz7?file=/src/index.js:222-229
注意:此代码是从上面的 codesandbox link 复制而来的:
const applyMaxSize = {
name: "applyMaxSize",
enabled: true,
phase: "beforeWrite",
requires: ["maxSize"],
fn({ state }) {
const { height } = state.modifiersData.maxSize;
state.styles.popper.maxHeight = `${height}px`;
const reference = document.querySelector("#reference");
const popper = document.querySelector("#popper");
createPopper(reference, popper, {
modifiers: [maxSize, applyMaxSize]