Visual Studio 2019 - IIS Express - 连接已重置 (ERR_CONNECTION_RESET)

Visual Studio 2019 - IIS Express - The connection was reset (ERR_CONNECTION_RESET)

我在 Visual Studio 2019 年创建了一个新的 ASP.NET 核心 MVC 项目,并选中了启用 HTTPS 的选项。当我 运行 使用 IIS Express 的项目时,网页显示“连接已重置”。

当我第一次为项目启用 SSL 并以调试模式启动时,visual studio 提示我信任自签名证书,然后我单击是。 但是,在浏览器中,网站仍然打不开,并显示错误“连接已重置”。

应用程序 运行正在端口 44300 上运行。

这是 Windows 10 和 Visual Studio 2019 的全新安装。

我确认 IIS 生成的自签名证书存在于证书存储中(参见屏幕截图)。 此外,该证书还存在于 Edge Chromium 和 Google Chrome 浏览器的受信任的根证书颁发机构中。




IMPORTANT: This report might contain confidential information. Mask such before sharing with others.
System Time: 10/19/2020 8:01:52 AM
Processor Architecture: AMD64
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0
Server Type: IIS Express


PCT 1.0: 
PCT 1.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
SSL 2.0: 
SSL 2.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
SSL 3.0: 
SSL 3.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
TLS 1.0: 
TLS 1.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
TLS 1.1: 
TLS 1.1 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
TLS 1.2: 
SChannel EventLogging: 1 (hex)
To tune TLS related settings, please follow or try out IIS Crypto from
Microsoft documentation on cipher suites can be found at
ServerComment  : WebSite1
ServerAutoStart: True
ServerState    : Stopped

BINDING: http *:8080:localhost

ServerComment  : DemoApp
ServerAutoStart: True
ServerState    : Stopped

BINDING: http *:50682:localhost

BINDING: https *:44300:localhost
SSLCertHash: 33a6ad6b596b6d1d0a6dff64f69b9457383ff658
SSL Flags: None
Testing EndPoint:
#CertName: IIS Express Development Certificate
#Version: 3
#You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate.
#Signature Algorithm: sha256RSA
#Key Exchange Algorithm: RSA Key Size: 2048
This is not an ECC certificate, so *_ECDSA_* cipher suites cannot be used.
#Subject: CN=localhost
#Issuer: CN=localhost
#Validity: From 10/18/2020 8:39:54 AM To 10/18/2025 3:00:00 AM
#Serial Number: 167D0B2FB51D5BB54D222FDC298ACDE9
DS Mapper Usage: Disabled
Archived: False
#Key Usage: DataEncipherment, KeyEncipherment, DigitalSignature
#Enhanced Key Usage: Server Authentication (
#Subject Alternative Name: DNS Name=localhost
Certificate verified.


IMPORTANT: This report might contain confidential information. Mask such before sharing with others.
System Time: 10/19/2020 8:05:14 AM
Processor Architecture: AMD64
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0
Server Type: IIS Express
This machine has 3 IP addresses to take external traffic.
ServerComment  : DemoApp
ServerAutoStart: True
ServerState: Stopped

BINDING: HTTP *:50682:localhost
No conflicting TCP reserved port range is found.
This site can take local traffic at
This site can take local traffic at [::1]:50682.
 * Web browsers should use URL http://localhost:50682. Requests must have a Host header of "localhost".
   Start DNS query for localhost.
   DNS Query returns 2 result(s).
    * [::1]

BINDING: https *:44300:localhost
No conflicting TCP reserved port range is found.
This site can take local traffic at
This site can take local traffic at [::1]:44300.
 * Web browsers should use URL https://localhost:44300. Requests must have a Host header of "localhost".
   Start DNS query for localhost.
   DNS Query returns 2 result(s).
    * [::1]
Binding Diagnostics does not verify certificates and other SSL/TLS related settings.
Please run SSL Diagnostics at the server level to analyze SSL/TLS configuration. More information can be found at


IMPORTANT: This report might contain confidential information. Mask such before sharing with others.
Scan the folder C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\DemoApp for project files.
1 project(s) is detected.
* DemoApp.csproj

Project file: C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\DemoApp\DemoApp.csproj.
IIS Express configuration file: C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\.vs\DemoApp\config\applicationHost.config.
Analyze ASP.NET Core project.
Visual Studio launchSettings.json: C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\DemoApp\Properties\launchSettings.json.
Extract debugging profiles.
Found 2 profile(s).
* IIS Express
* DemoApp

Extract IIS settings.
sslPort is 44300.
application URL is http://localhost:50682.
Binding localhost on *:50682 (HTTP).
Binding localhost on *:44300 (HTTPS).
A matching binding is found for https://localhost:44300/.

原来是Kaspersky Cloud Security最新更新阻止了localhost的访问。我卸载了卡巴斯基然后尝试,它工作正常。

我向 Kaspersky 提交了支持请求,下面是他们的回复:

This is a known bug issue from our side which will be fixed with the release of MR2 for Kaspersky 2021 version. MR2 is plan to be released on early of November. We recommend to use version 2020 until the release of MR2.

我只是在控制面板中卸载 IIS 10.0 Express,然后删除 ASP.NET(在 vs 安装程序中修改)并重新安装 ASP.NET