使用 STRING_AGG 函数时子查询返回多行
More than one row returned by a subquery when using STRING_AGG function
我在 PostgreSQL 中尝试执行 SELECT 查询时遇到错误SQL 11
select (
SELECT STRING_AGG(u.first_name::text, ', ')
FROM game_authors AS gat
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = gat.user_id
WHERE gat.game_id = g.id AND gat.lang = 'uk'
GROUP BY gat.id ORDER BY gat.id ASC
) AS authors_string
from "games" as "g"
where "g"."status" != 10
order by "g"."id" desc limit 10 offset 0
和 authors_string 应该作为字符串值获取。它抛出一个错误
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
我想这是因为子查询中的 GROUP BY 造成的,可以用 row_to_json 函数处理,但不知道我应该把它放在表达式中的什么地方。 ORDER BY 不适用于 GROUP BY 表达式,因为 SELECT.
PostgreSQL 11.8 (Ubuntu 11.8-1.pgdg18.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit
我认为您只想删除子查询中的 group by
select (
select string_agg(u.first_name::text, ', ' order by gat.id asc)
from game_authors as gat
left join users as u on u.id = gat.user_id
where gat.game_id = g.id and gat.lang = 'uk'
) as authors_string
from games as g
where g.status <> 10
order by g.id desc
limit 10
不要使用标量 sub-select,而是使用派生的 table。通常情况下,这样效率更高:
select a.authors_string
from games as g
join (
SELECT gat.game_id, STRING_AGG(u.first_name::text, ', ' order by gat.id) as authors
FROM game_authors AS gat
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = gat.user_id
WHERE AND gat.lang = 'uk'
GROUP BY gat.id
) a ON a.game_id = g.id
where g.status <> 10
order by g.id desc
limit 10 offset 0
虽然left join
我在 PostgreSQL 中尝试执行 SELECT 查询时遇到错误SQL 11
select (
SELECT STRING_AGG(u.first_name::text, ', ')
FROM game_authors AS gat
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = gat.user_id
WHERE gat.game_id = g.id AND gat.lang = 'uk'
GROUP BY gat.id ORDER BY gat.id ASC
) AS authors_string
from "games" as "g"
where "g"."status" != 10
order by "g"."id" desc limit 10 offset 0
和 authors_string 应该作为字符串值获取。它抛出一个错误
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
我想这是因为子查询中的 GROUP BY 造成的,可以用 row_to_json 函数处理,但不知道我应该把它放在表达式中的什么地方。 ORDER BY 不适用于 GROUP BY 表达式,因为 SELECT.
PostgreSQL 11.8 (Ubuntu 11.8-1.pgdg18.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit
我认为您只想删除子查询中的 group by
select (
select string_agg(u.first_name::text, ', ' order by gat.id asc)
from game_authors as gat
left join users as u on u.id = gat.user_id
where gat.game_id = g.id and gat.lang = 'uk'
) as authors_string
from games as g
where g.status <> 10
order by g.id desc
limit 10
不要使用标量 sub-select,而是使用派生的 table。通常情况下,这样效率更高:
select a.authors_string
from games as g
join (
SELECT gat.game_id, STRING_AGG(u.first_name::text, ', ' order by gat.id) as authors
FROM game_authors AS gat
LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = gat.user_id
WHERE AND gat.lang = 'uk'
GROUP BY gat.id
) a ON a.game_id = g.id
where g.status <> 10
order by g.id desc
limit 10 offset 0
虽然left join