在共享主机上自动生成和更新 SSL

Auto Generate and Update SSL on Shared Hosting

我正在尝试自动生成 SSL 证书并将它们上传到我在 namecheap.com


主机不提供任何无需支付大量费用即可自动管理 ssl 证书的方法。



我们的想法是 运行 bash 在您自己的 linux 盒子上创建脚本,它将通过 cpanel 更新 ssl 证书。

我对这部分代码有困难。在我的实际代码中,我更新了服务器名称信息。主要问题是我在 bash 脚本中编写的经验很少。

certificate=$(echo |openssl s_client -servername yourserver.com -connect yourserver.com:443 2>/tmp/cert.tmp|openssl x509 -checkend $[86400 * $RENEW] -enddate)
if [ "$certificate" == "" ]; then
  echo "Error: unable to check certificate"
  if [[ $certificate =~ (.*)Certificate will expire ]]; then
    echo $certificate


./certupdate.sh: line 19: syntax error in conditional expression
./certupdate.sh: line 19: syntax error near `will'
./certupdate.sh: line 19: `    if [[ $certificate =~ (.*)Certificate will expire ]]; then'


或者,如果有人对如何更新 ssl 证书有更好的想法,那就更好了。总的来说 PHP 会很棒,因为我对此比较熟悉。

shell 通过按空格拆分将每一行解析为标记。 [[ built-in 和 =~ 的语法要求每一侧都有一个标记。您可以通过在每个不是标记分隔符的空白字符前面放置反斜杠,或者引用应该是单个标记的序列来防止在空格上拆分。

  if [[ $certificate =~ (.*)"Certificate will expire" ]]; then

除此之外,您在这里真的不需要正则表达式。 (如果你确实使用了一个,.* 周围的括号是多余的。事实上整个 .* 是多余的。)

  if [[ $certificate = *"Certificate will expire"* ]]; then

除了之外,您尝试复制的脚本还有许多其他问题,尽管这些问题比较小。可能只是想找一个更好的博客 copy/paste from.



# Don't use uppercase for private variables

# For diagnostic messages

# Parametrize domain name

# Don't echo so much junk
# (I will silently drop the other junk output without comment)
# echo "======================================="
# Fix date formatting, print diagnostic to stderr
date "+$me: %c START" >&2
# Use a unique temp file to avoid symlink attacks and concurrency problems
t=$(mktemp -t letsencryptCA.XXXXXXXXXX.crt) || exit
# Clean it up when we are done
trap 'rm -f "$t"' ERR EXIT
wget -O "$t" https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem.txt

# Avoid obsolete $[ ... ] math syntax
# Avoid superfluous echo |
# Don't write stderr to a junk file
# Maybe add 2>/dev/null on the first openssl if this is too noisy
certificate=$(openssl s_client -servername "$dom" -connect "$dom":443 </dev/null | 
              openssl x509 -checkend $((86400 * $renew)) -enddate)
# Indentation fixes
if [ "$certificate" == "" ]; then
    # Error messages indicate script's name, and go to standard error
    # Include domain name in error message
    # Fixed throughout below
    echo "$me: Error: unable to check $dom certificate" >&2
    # Exit with an error, too
    exit 123
    # Quote string
    # Move this outside the conditional, to avoid repeated code
    echo "$certificate"

    # Fix comparison
    if [[ $certificate = *"Certificate will expire"* ]]; then

        echo "$me: $dom certificate needs to be renewed" >&2
        # No idea here, assume this is okay
        # Wrap horribly long command though
        certbot certonly --non-interactive --staple-ocsp \
            --email "$email" -d "$dom" -d "www.$dom" \
            --agree-tos --manual \
            --manual-auth-hook /path/toyour/scripts/letsencryptauth.sh \
            --manual-cleanup-hook /path/toyour/scripts/letsencryptclean.sh
        echo "$me: $dom cert process completed, now uploading it to CPanel" >&2
        # Weird indentation fixed again
        USER='cpanel username' PASS='cpanelpassword' EMAIL="$email" \
        /usr/bin/php /path/toyour/scripts/sslic.php "$dom" \
            /etc/letsencrypt/live/"$dom"/cert.pem \
            /etc/letsencrypt/live/"$dom"/privkey.pem "$t"
        echo "$me: $dom upload to cpanel process complete" >&2
        echo "$me: $dom cert does not need to be renewed" >&2
# Fix date formatting, print diagnostic to stderr
date "+$me: %c END" >&2

date%c 格式说明符包括年份,而原始代码省略了它。我认为此更改是一项功能而不是错误。

还有很多 hard-coded 路径等可能应该更好地参数化。

openssl 的 stderr 输出非常适中,我认为我们绝对不需要丢弃它;另一方面,将其转储到临时文件中几乎肯定会在实际出现问题(网络故障或其他原因)时隐藏有用的诊断信息。

tripleee$ openssl s_client -servername www.whosebug.com \
>   -connect www.whosebug.com:443 </dev/null >/dev/null
depth=2 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = *.stackexchange.com
verify return:1