在 sql 中创建更多行的逻辑

logic to create more rows in sql

我有一个 table1,我想将其转换为预期的 table。

我只是 SQL 的入门者,所以对于如何入门对我来说有点不知所措。请post一些解决方案。


ID  f_a            l_a           f_pl       lpl               cal
CNT 6/20/2018      6/28/2018                6/28/2018         1/31/2020


ID  Cal             code          pl            Al 
CNT 1/31/2020       lp        6/28/2018   6/28/2018 
CNT 1/31/2020       fp                    6/20/2018 

更新: 我在table里面的ID比较多,所以并不是说CNT是唯一的ID。如果我使用 unpivot,那么它应该对所有 ID 遵循相同的逻辑。

这是一个关于如何将列逆透视 为行的问题。在 Oracle 中,我建议使用横向连接:

select t.id, t.cal, x.*
from mytable t
cross apply (
    select 'lp' as code, t.lpl as pl, l_a as al from dual
    union all
    select 'fp', t.f_pl, t.f_a from dual
) x

此语法在 Oracle 12.1 及更高版本中可用。在早期版本中,您将使用 union all:

select id, cal, 'lp' as code, lpl as pl, l_a as al from mytable
union all
select id, cal, 'lp' as code, 'fp', f_pl, f_a from mytable

您可以对多个列使用 UNPIVOT,然后根据日期进行所需的检查:

with a as (
    'CNT' as ID,
    date '2018-06-20' as f_a,
    date '2018-06-28' as l_a,
    cast(null as date) as f_pl,
    date '2018-06-28' as l_pl,
    date '2020-01-31' as cal
  from dual
select *
from a
  (pl, al) for code in ((l_pl, l_a) as 'lp', (f_pl, f_a) as 'fp')
) up
ID  | CAL       | CODE | PL        | AL
CNT | 31-JAN-07 | lp   | 28-JUN-18 | 28-JUN-18
CNT | 31-JAN-07 | fp   |           | 20-JUN-18

Working example here.


-- Here we select columns foom source table. Please change the names if they are different
with r as (
    lpl, -- Here not sure if example is wrong or no underscore in column deffinition
  from table_1 --  Please put real table name here
select * from (
select r.id, r.cal, 'lp' as code, r.l_pl as pl, l_a as ai
from r
where r.l_a is not null
union all
select r1.id, r1.cal, 'pl', r1.f_pl, r1.f_a 
from r r1
where r1.f_a is not null
order by id, cal, code;