
Convert comma's to point and as numeric, but only in a certain amount of variables

所以我有一个看起来像这样的 df,其中数值拆分为逗号而不是点,并且它们被归类为字符。

var0 <- c("There, are commas", "in the text, string", "as,well", "how, can", "i", "fix, this", "thank you")
var1 <- c("50,0", "72,0", "960,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var2 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var3<- c("40,0", "72,0", "90,0", "1,30", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var96 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")

df <- data.frame(cbind(var0, var1, var2, var3))

我知道如何使用 gsub 手动转换每个变量,但正如您在下面看到的,我有大约 96 个这样的变量。除此之外,我还有其他变量,包括不需要转换逗号的文本字符串和因子级别。



tidyverse 包很适合这类事情。

df <- df %>% 
      # First, remove the points in your numbers b/c otherwise, you'll end up
      # with, e.g., "1.920.0"
      mutate_all(.fun = function(x) gsub("\.", "", x)) %>% 
      # Next, replace all the commas with points and convert to numeric. Only do
      # this for the columns that don't contain text, though.
      mutate_at(.vars = vars(matches("var[1-3]")), 
                .fun = function(x) as.numeric(gsub(",", "\.", x)))

请注意,在 mutate_at 调用中,我假设只有“var0”列包含您要保留的文本,并且我转换了与正则表达式“var[1- 3]" 到数字数据并使用点而不是逗号。您需要根据自己的情况调整正则表达式。

这是一个仅用小数点替换逗号并删除所有其他点的函数,如果出现的所有字符都是数字 0-9、点和逗号。

commas2dots <- function(x){
  if(any(grepl("[^\.,[:digit:]]", x))){
  } else {
    y <- gsub("\.", "", x)
    tc <- textConnection(y)
    scan(tc, dec = ",", quiet = TRUE)

lapply(df, commas2dots)
#[1] "There, are commas"   "in the text, string"
#[3] "as,well"             "how, can"           
#[5] "i"                   "fix, this"          
#[7] "thank you"          
#[1]   50   72  960 1920   50   50  960
#[1]   40  742 9460 1920   50   50  960
#[1]  40.0  72.0  90.0   1.3  50.0  50.0 960.0
#[1]   40  742 9460 1920   50   50  960

要更改 data.frame 的列:

df[] <- lapply(df, commas2dots)
#                 var0 var1 var2  var3 var96
#1   There, are commas   50   40  40.0    40
#2 in the text, string   72  742  72.0   742
#3             as,well  960 9460  90.0  9460
#4            how, can 1920 1920   1.3  1920
#5                   i   50   50  50.0    50
#6           fix, this   50   50  50.0    50
#7           thank you  960  960 960.0   960


var0 <- c("There, are commas", "in the text, string", "as,well", "how, can", "i", "fix, this", "thank you")
var1 <- c("50,0", "72,0", "960,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var2 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var3<- c("40,0", "72,0", "90,0", "1,30", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var96 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")

df <- data.frame(var0, var1, var2, var3, var96)