如何从现有数据生成随机分类数据以填充缺失值 - Python

How to generate random categorical data from existing ones to fill missing values - Python





   ClientId    Apple_cat    Region    Price
0  21          cat_1        Reg_A     5
1  15          cat_2        Nan       6
2  6           Nan          Reg_B     7
3  91          cat_3        Reg_A     3
4  45          Nan          Reg_C     7
5  89          cat_2        Nan       6


在 pandas Dataframe 中替换 NaN 的难点在于 fillna() 方法将用相同的数字替换所有 nans,即使您在调用中加入了某种随机性。

import random
df['Apple_cat'].applymap(lambda x: x if not np.isnan(x) else np.random.choice(random.choice(list(x.dropna(axis=0))))

这将用第 1 列其余部分的随机样本替换 Nans。 也许您需要用其他类型的 nan 替换 np.nan。


import numpy as np

df[‘<your_column_name>’] = df[‘<your_column_name>’].fillna(‘TBD’)
possible_values = df[‘<your_column_name>’].value_counts().to_dict()

total_items = sum(possible_values.keys())
possible_values = [(k,v) for k,v in possible_values.items()]
prob_dist = [i[1]/total_items for i in possible_values]

def fill_missing_values(item):
    if item != ‘TBD’:
        index = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(prob_dist), p=prob_dist)
        return possible_values[index]
    return item

df[‘<your_column_name>’] = df[‘<your_column_name>’].apply(lambda x: fill_missing_values(x))


def na_randomfill(series):
    na_mask = pd.isnull(series)   # boolean mask for null values
    n_null = na_mask.sum()        # number of nulls in the Series
    if n_null == 0:
        return series             # if there are no nulls, no need to resample
    # Randomly sample the non-null values from our series
    #  only sample this Series as many times as we have nulls 
    fill_values = series[~na_mask].sample(n=n_null, replace=True, random_state=0)

    # This ensures our new values will replace NaNs in the correct locations
    fill_values.index = series.index[na_mask]
    return series.fillna(fill_values) 

此解决方案一次适用于 1 个系列,可以这样调用:

out = na_randomfill(df["Apple_cat"])

0    cat_1
1    cat_2
2    cat_3
3    cat_3
4    cat_2
5    cat_2
Name: Apple_cat, dtype: object

或者,您可以使用 apply 在每个列上调用它。请注意,由于我们函数中的 if 语句,因此我们在调用 apply:

之前不需要提前指定 null-containing 列
out = df.apply(na_randomfill)

   ClientId Apple_cat Region  Price
0        21     cat_1  Reg_A      5
1        15     cat_2  Reg_A      6
2         6     cat_3  Reg_B      7
3        91     cat_3  Reg_A      3
4        45     cat_2  Reg_C      7
5        89     cat_2  Reg_C      6