自定义 javascript 视频播放器在 11 秒后停止

Custom javascript Video player stops after 11 seconds

我目前正在为我的网站开发自定义 javascript 视频播放器,以便能够显示一些放映影片。它在 firefox 中工作得很好,但在 chrome 中,演示视频每次都会在 11 秒后停止,但缓冲过程已经加载了超过 11 秒。

这是给视频播放器的 link:https://www.cankarka.com/en/portfolio



这是我的 HTML:

            <div class="custom-video-player">
                <video class="video" src="inc/video.mp4" preload="auto"></video>
                <div class="video-controls">
                    <div class="video-bar">
                        <div id="currentBuffer" class="currentBuffer"></div>
                        <div id="currentProcess" class="currentProcess"></div>

                    <div class="buttons">
                        <button id="skip-back" class="skipBack" type="button"></button>
                        <button id="playPause" type="button"></button>
                        <button id="skip-front" class="skipForward" type="button"></button>
                        <button id="volumeBtn" class="volumeHigh" type="button"></button>

                        <div class="volume-slider-container">
                            <div class="volume-slider-container-inner">
                                <div id="volume-slider" class="volume-slider"></div>
                        <div class="volume-slider-range"></div>

                        <div class="videoTimer-container">
                            <span id="videoCurrentTime" class="videoTimer"></span> <span id="slash" class="videoTimer">/</span> <span id="videoTime" class="videoTimer"></span>

                        <button id="fullscreenToggle" class="fullscreen" type="button"></button>

这是我的 javascript 代码:

function initializeVideoPlayer()
var videoPlayers = document.querySelectorAll('.custom-video-player');
for (var i = 0; i < videoPlayers.length; ++i)

function initControls(videoPlayerContainer)
var video = videoPlayerContainer.querySelector('.video');
var videoBarContainer = videoPlayerContainer.querySelector('.video-bar');
video.onerror = function()
    console.log("Error: " + video.error.code);

// Timelines
var currentProcess = videoPlayerContainer.querySelector("div.currentProcess");
var currentBuffer = videoPlayerContainer.querySelector("div.currentBuffer");

// Buttons
var playPauseBtn = videoPlayerContainer.querySelector('#playPause');

video.addEventListener('timeupdate', updateTimeline);
video.addEventListener('click', togglePlayPause);
video.addEventListener('progress', updateBuffer);
playPauseBtn.addEventListener('click', togglePlayPause);
skipBackward.addEventListener('click', skipBackwardFunction);
skipForward.addEventListener('click', skipForwardFunction);
volumeBtn.addEventListener('click', setVolumeByBtn);

let mouseDown = false;
videoBarContainer.addEventListener('click', scrub);
videoBarContainer.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => mouseDown && scrub(e));
videoBarContainer.addEventListener('mousedown', () => mouseDown = true);
videoBarContainer.addEventListener('mouseup', () => mouseDown = false);

function scrub(e)
    var scrubTime = (e.offsetX / videoBarContainer.offsetWidth) * video.duration;
    video.currentTime = scrubTime;

function skipForwardFunction()
    video.currentTime += skipTime;

function skipBackwardFunction()
    video.currentTime -= skipTime;

function updateBuffer()
    var duration = video.duration;
    if (duration > 0)
        for (var i = 0; i < video.buffered.length; ++i)
            if (video.buffered.start(video.buffered.length - 1 - i) < video.currentTime)
                currentBuffer.style.width = (video.buffered.end(video.buffered.length - 1 - i) / duration) * 100 + "%";

function updateTimeline()
    // Timeline updaten
    var percent = (video.currentTime / video.duration) * 100;
    currentProcess.style.width = percent + "%";

    // Aktuelle Zeit anzeigen
    var min = Math.floor(video.currentTime / 60);
    var sec = Math.floor(video.currentTime - min * 60);

    if (sec < 10)
        sec = "0" + sec;
    if (min < 10)
        min = "0" + min;
    if (min >= 60 && min < 120)
        min = "01:" + (min - 60);
    else if (min >= 120 && min < 180)
        min = "02:" + (min - 120);
    else if (min >= 180 && min < 240)
        min = "03:" + (min - 180);
    else if (min >= 240 && min < 300)
        min = "04:" + (min - 240);
    else if (min >= 300 && min < 360)
        min = "05:" + (min - 300);
        min = "00:" + min;

    // Gesamte Zeit berechnen
    var minTotal = Math.floor(video.duration / 60);
    var secTotal = Math.floor(video.duration - minTotal * 60);
    if (secTotal < 10)
        secTotal = "0" + secTotal;
    if (minTotal < 10)
        minTotal = "0" + minTotal;
    if (minTotal >= 60 && minTotal < 120)
        minTotal = "01:" + (minTotal - 60);
    else if (minTotal >= 120 && minTotal < 180)
        minTotal = "02:" + (minTotal - 120);
    else if (minTotal >= 180 && minTotal < 240)
        minTotal = "03:" + (minTotal - 180);
    else if (minTotal >= 240 && minTotal < 300)
        minTotal = "04:" + (minTotal - 240);
    else if (minTotal >= 300 && minTotal < 360)
        minTotal = "05:" + (minTotal - 300);
        minTotal = "00:" + minTotal;
    videoCurrentTime.innerHTML = min + ":" + sec;
    videoTime.innerHTML = minTotal + ":" + secTotal;

    if (video.ended)
        playPauseBtn.className = "play";

function togglePlayPause()
    if (video.paused)
        playPauseBtn.className = "play";

function playVideo()
    var playPromise = video.play();
    if (playPromise !== undefined)
        playPromise.then(_ => {
            // Video started successfully
            playPauseBtn.className = "pause";
        }).catch(error => {
            // Video was interrupted
            playPauseBtn.className = "play";

window.onload = initializeVideoPlayer;


const videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];

const b = HTMLMediaElement.prototype;

const allNames = new Set();
for (let o = b; o != Object.prototype; o = Object.getPrototypeOf(o)) {
  for (let name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)) {

const array = Array.from(allNames).filter(x => /^on/.test(x)).map(x => x.substring(2));

array.forEach(x => videoElement.addEventListener(x, console.log));

这表明发生了 error 类型的事件,然后是 timeupdate,然后是 pause

要获取实际错误,请使用显示以下内容的 videoElement.error

    code: 3,
    message: "PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: Failed to send audio packet for decoding: {timestamp=12176542 duration=21250 size=516 is_key_frame=1 encrypted=0}"
