Compilation error: constructor in class cannot be applied to given types

Compilation error: constructor in class cannot be applied to given types

我正在尝试使用来自超级 class 的枚举创建子class 对象,但是当我尝试在子class 中创建对象时,出现此错误。

error: constructor Payroll in class Payroll cannot be applied to given types;
        public PayClaim(int hours, PayLevel level){
  required: PayLevel
  found:    no arguments
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
1 error


public class Payroll{
    static double OVERTIME_RATE = 1.5;

    static int REGULAR_WEEK = 40;
    static int LEVEL_ONE_PAY = 15;
    static int LEVEL_TWO_PAY = 25;
    static int LEVEL_THREE_PAY = 40;
    public enum PayLevel{
        ONE, TWO, THREE
    private PayLevel levels;
    public Payroll(PayLevel levels){
        this.levels = levels;
    public PayLevel getPayLevel(){
        return levels;
    public static void main (String [] args) {
        Payroll.OVERTIME_RATE = 1.75;
        Payroll.REGULAR_WEEK = 40;
        Payroll.LEVEL_ONE_PAY = 12;
        System.out.println(Payroll.calculatePay(35, Payroll.PayLevel.ONE));
    public static double calculatePay(int noHoursWorked, PayLevel level){
    //do stuff

这是我的子class PayClaim

public class PayClaim extends Payroll{
    int noHoursWorked;
    public Payroll.PayLevel payLevel;
    double calculatedPay = 0;
    public static void main (String [] args) {
        PayClaim p = new PayClaim(1, Payroll.PayLevel.ONE);
    public PayClaim(int hours, PayLevel level){
        if(hours > 80 || hours < 1){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            noHoursWorked = hours;
            payLevel = level;
    public int getNoHoursWorked(){
        return noHoursWorked;
    public PayLevel getPayLevel(){
        return payLevel;
    public double getClaculatedPay(){
        return calculatedPay;
    public void setCalculatedPay(double pay){
    public String toString(){




public class PayClaim extends Payroll{
    int noHoursWorked;
    public Payroll.PayLevel payLevel;
    double calculatedPay = 0;
    public static void main (String [] args) {
        PayClaim p = new PayClaim(1, Payroll.PayLevel.ONE);
    public PayClaim(int hours, PayLevel level){
    enter code here

        if(hours > 80 || hours < 1){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            noHoursWorked = hours;
            payLevel = level;
    public int getNoHoursWorked(){
        return noHoursWorked;
    public PayLevel getPayLevel(){
        return payLevel;
    public double getClaculatedPay(){
        return calculatedPay;
    public void setCalculatedPay(double pay){
    public String toString(){
