如何更改 ggplotly 中的工具提示以在条形图中显示列的总和

How to Change the Tooltip in ggplotly to show SUM of a Column in a Bar Chart

我使用 ggplot 和 ggplotly() 渲染了这个条形图



我需要对我的代码执行哪些操作才能配置工具提示以显示图表中显示的总崩溃次数,而不是值 1?这是我的代码及其生成的条形图:

crashplot <- ggplot(totcrashes_by_year, aes(totcrashes_by_year$`Crash Year`, totcrashes_by_year$`Total Crashes`))
crashplot +geom_bar(stat = "identity", 
                        aes(fill=totcrashes_by_year$`Mode Type`), position = "stack") + xlab("Crash Year") + ylab("Total Crashes") + ggtitle("Total Crashes by Year and Mode Type") + labs(fill = "Mode Type")

编辑:可重现的代码示例 这是复制此问题的代码。

crashsample <- data.frame(year = sample(2007:2018, 40, replace = T),
             crashes = 1, 
             type = sample(c('Vehicle', 'Pedestrian','Bike','Motorcycle'), 5, replace = TRUE))

创建 ggplot

crashplot <- ggplot(crashsample, aes(x =  year, y = crashes, fill = type)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
  labs(x = 'Crash Year', 
       y = 'Total Crashes', 
       title = "Total Crashes by Year and Mode Type", 
       fill = "Mode Type")
#call to ggplotly to render as a dynamic plotly chart

此代码 returns 对我有效的标签

# Simulate Data
df <- data.frame(year = sample(2005:2015, 20, replace = T),
                 crashes = sample(30:100, 20), 
                 type = sample(c('Vehicle', 'Pedestrian'), 20, replace = TRUE))
# Required packages
require(plotly); require(tidyverse)
# ggplot2 plot definition
crashplot <- df %>%
  group_by(year, type) %>%
  summarise(summed_crashes = sum(crashes)) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = year, y = summed_crashes, fill = type)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + 
  labs(x = 'Crash Year',
       y = 'Total Crashes',
       title = 'Total Crashes by Year and Mode Type',
       fill = "Mode Type")
# Show plot with plotly
