显示 ggalluvium 的流量
Showing flows for ggalluvium
寻求有关使用 ggalluvium 的一些建议,以证明澳大利亚的偏好分布。
上下文,在澳大利亚我们有优先投票。假设我住在一个有 4 名候选人参加竞选的地区。
根据您的 party/candidate 偏好,通过在方框 1-4 中编号来完成投票。
我正在寻求使用流程图和 ggalluvium 可视化上述重复分发过程。
Load Data
house_of_reps <- read_csv("https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/Downloads/HouseDopByDivisionDownload-24310.csv", skip = 1)
house_of_reps$BallotPosition %<>% as.factor()
house_of_reps$CountNumber %<>% as.factor()
cooper <- house_of_reps %>%
filter(DivisionNm == "Cooper") %>%
spread(CalculationType, CalculationValue) %>%
cooper %>% ggplot(aes(x = CountNumber, alluvium = PartyNm, stratum = `Preference Percent`, y = `Preference Percent`, fill = PartyAb)) +
geom_alluvium(aes(fill = PartyAb), decreasing = TRUE) +
geom_stratum(decreasing = TRUE) +
geom_text(stat = "stratum",decreasing = TRUE, aes(label = after_stat(fill))) +
stat_stratum(decreasing = TRUE) +
stat_stratum(geom = "text", aes(label = PartyAb), decreasing = TRUE) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
Output image
但是,由于在每个步骤中只有一方遗漏了这一缺失信息,因此可以从您的数据中提取这些信息。基本思想是根据选民的次要政党偏好为每个政党或更准确地说是每个在后来的计数之一中退出的政党分配 obs。
# Load Data
house_of_reps <- read_csv("https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/Downloads/HouseDopByDivisionDownload-24310.csv", skip = 1)
house_of_reps$BallotPosition %<>% as.factor()
house_of_reps$CountNumber %<>% as.factor()
cooper <- house_of_reps %>%
filter(DivisionNm == "Cooper") %>%
spread(CalculationType, CalculationValue) %>%
select(count = CountNumber, party = PartyAb, pref = `Preference Count`, trans = `Transfer Count`)
# Helper function to
make_rows <- function(x) {
# Name of party which gets dropped in this period
dropped <- filter(x, trans < 0) %>% pull(party)
if (length(dropped) > 0) {
x <- filter(x, trans >= 0)
# Replacements are added two times. Once for the period where the party drops out,
# and also for the previous period
xdrop <- mutate(x, party = dropped, pref = trans, trans = 0, is_drop = FALSE)
xdrop1 <- mutate(xdrop, count = count - 1, to = party, is_drop = FALSE)
# For the parties to keep or which receive transfered votes have to adjust the number of votes
xkeep <- mutate(x, pref = pref - trans, trans = 0)
bind_rows(xdrop1, xdrop, xkeep)
} else {
cooper1 <- cooper %>%
# First: Convert count to a numeric. Add a "to" variable for second
# party preference or the party where votes are transferred to. This variable
# will later on be mapped on the "fill" aes
mutate(to = party, count = as.numeric(as.character(count))) %>%
group_by(party) %>%
# Add identifier of obs. to drop. Obs. to drop are obs. of parties which
# drop out in the following count
mutate(is_drop = lead(trans, default = 0) < 0) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Split obs. to be dropped by secondary party preference, i.e. in count 0 the
# obs for party "IND" is replaced by seven obs. reflecting the secondary preference
# for one of the other seven parties
split(.$count) %>%
map(make_rows) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
# Now drop original obs.
filter(!is_drop, pref > 0) %>%
# Add a unique identifier
group_by(count, party) %>%
mutate(id = paste0(party, row_number())) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# To make the flow chart work we have make the dataset complete, i.e. add
# "empty" obs for each type of voter and each count
complete(count, id, fill = list(pref = 0, trans = 0, is_drop = FALSE)) %>%
# Fill up party and "to" columns
mutate(across(c(party, to), ~ if_else(is.na(.), str_extract(id, "[^\d]+"), .))) %>%
# Filling up the "to" column with last observed value for "to" if any
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(last_id = last(which(party != to)),
to = if_else(count >= last_id & !is.na(last_id), to[last_id], to)) %>%
cooper1 %>%
add_count(count, party) %>%
ggplot(aes(count, reorder(id, n), fill = to)) +
geom_tile(color = "white")
cooper1 %>%
ggplot(aes(x = count, alluvium = id, stratum = to, y = pref, fill = to)) +
geom_flow(decreasing = TRUE) +
geom_stratum(decreasing = TRUE) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
寻求有关使用 ggalluvium 的一些建议,以证明澳大利亚的偏好分布。
上下文,在澳大利亚我们有优先投票。假设我住在一个有 4 名候选人参加竞选的地区。 根据您的 party/candidate 偏好,通过在方框 1-4 中编号来完成投票。 第一次点票后得票比例最低的候选人将被淘汰,他们的选票将分配给选民在选票上指定的位置。重复此过程,直到有两名候选人保留并在两党首选的50%以上选举中选出候选人。
我正在寻求使用流程图和 ggalluvium 可视化上述重复分发过程。
Load Data
house_of_reps <- read_csv("https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/Downloads/HouseDopByDivisionDownload-24310.csv", skip = 1)
house_of_reps$BallotPosition %<>% as.factor()
house_of_reps$CountNumber %<>% as.factor()
cooper <- house_of_reps %>%
filter(DivisionNm == "Cooper") %>%
spread(CalculationType, CalculationValue) %>%
cooper %>% ggplot(aes(x = CountNumber, alluvium = PartyNm, stratum = `Preference Percent`, y = `Preference Percent`, fill = PartyAb)) +
geom_alluvium(aes(fill = PartyAb), decreasing = TRUE) +
geom_stratum(decreasing = TRUE) +
geom_text(stat = "stratum",decreasing = TRUE, aes(label = after_stat(fill))) +
stat_stratum(decreasing = TRUE) +
stat_stratum(geom = "text", aes(label = PartyAb), decreasing = TRUE) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
Output image
但是,由于在每个步骤中只有一方遗漏了这一缺失信息,因此可以从您的数据中提取这些信息。基本思想是根据选民的次要政党偏好为每个政党或更准确地说是每个在后来的计数之一中退出的政党分配 obs。
# Load Data
house_of_reps <- read_csv("https://results.aec.gov.au/24310/Website/Downloads/HouseDopByDivisionDownload-24310.csv", skip = 1)
house_of_reps$BallotPosition %<>% as.factor()
house_of_reps$CountNumber %<>% as.factor()
cooper <- house_of_reps %>%
filter(DivisionNm == "Cooper") %>%
spread(CalculationType, CalculationValue) %>%
select(count = CountNumber, party = PartyAb, pref = `Preference Count`, trans = `Transfer Count`)
# Helper function to
make_rows <- function(x) {
# Name of party which gets dropped in this period
dropped <- filter(x, trans < 0) %>% pull(party)
if (length(dropped) > 0) {
x <- filter(x, trans >= 0)
# Replacements are added two times. Once for the period where the party drops out,
# and also for the previous period
xdrop <- mutate(x, party = dropped, pref = trans, trans = 0, is_drop = FALSE)
xdrop1 <- mutate(xdrop, count = count - 1, to = party, is_drop = FALSE)
# For the parties to keep or which receive transfered votes have to adjust the number of votes
xkeep <- mutate(x, pref = pref - trans, trans = 0)
bind_rows(xdrop1, xdrop, xkeep)
} else {
cooper1 <- cooper %>%
# First: Convert count to a numeric. Add a "to" variable for second
# party preference or the party where votes are transferred to. This variable
# will later on be mapped on the "fill" aes
mutate(to = party, count = as.numeric(as.character(count))) %>%
group_by(party) %>%
# Add identifier of obs. to drop. Obs. to drop are obs. of parties which
# drop out in the following count
mutate(is_drop = lead(trans, default = 0) < 0) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Split obs. to be dropped by secondary party preference, i.e. in count 0 the
# obs for party "IND" is replaced by seven obs. reflecting the secondary preference
# for one of the other seven parties
split(.$count) %>%
map(make_rows) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
# Now drop original obs.
filter(!is_drop, pref > 0) %>%
# Add a unique identifier
group_by(count, party) %>%
mutate(id = paste0(party, row_number())) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# To make the flow chart work we have make the dataset complete, i.e. add
# "empty" obs for each type of voter and each count
complete(count, id, fill = list(pref = 0, trans = 0, is_drop = FALSE)) %>%
# Fill up party and "to" columns
mutate(across(c(party, to), ~ if_else(is.na(.), str_extract(id, "[^\d]+"), .))) %>%
# Filling up the "to" column with last observed value for "to" if any
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(last_id = last(which(party != to)),
to = if_else(count >= last_id & !is.na(last_id), to[last_id], to)) %>%
cooper1 %>%
add_count(count, party) %>%
ggplot(aes(count, reorder(id, n), fill = to)) +
geom_tile(color = "white")
cooper1 %>%
ggplot(aes(x = count, alluvium = id, stratum = to, y = pref, fill = to)) +
geom_flow(decreasing = TRUE) +
geom_stratum(decreasing = TRUE) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +