带有自定义标签的 LiveCharts 笛卡尔映射和配置

LiveCharts Cartesian Mapping and Configuration with custom Labels

我使用 X 和 Y 值绘制了笛卡尔图表,以模仿阶梯图(x 值不一致)。是否可以为 Y 值更改的每个步骤添加自定义 x 标签?或类似条形图中的标签。

 var values = new ChartValues<Point>();

    var point = new Point() { X = entry.DailyXFrom, Y = entry.YValue };

    point = new Point() { X = entry.DailyXTo, Y = entry.YValue };

            seriesCollectionDaily = new SeriesCollection
                        new LineSeries
                          Configuration = new CartesianMapper<Point>()
                            .X(point => point.X) 
                            .Y(point => point.Y)
                          Fill = Brushes.Transparent,
                          Title = "Series",
                          Values = values,
                          PointGeometry = null,
                          LineSmoothness = 0

 XAxis.Separator.IsEnabled = true;
 XAxis.Labels = tempLabels.ToArray();
chart.DataContext = this;

 <lvc:CartesianChart Name="chart"  Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Series="{Binding seriesCollectionDaily }" >
                    <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX >
                        <lvc:Axis Name="XAxis" Title=""   LabelsRotation="0" Foreground="Black" >
                                <lvc:Separator Name="LabelSeparator"></lvc:Separator>




要绘制垂直剖面,您必须定义 SectionsCollectionAxisSection 项并将其绑定到 x-axis 个 Axis.Sections
通过设置 AxisSection.Value 您可以定义轴上的位置。使用 AxisSection.SectionWidth 定义部分的宽度。默认为1,设置AxisSection.StrokeThickness时绘制简笔画

以下示例使用 StepLineSeries 绘制步骤图。 举个例子,它显示了两条垂直线放置在相应的x-value:一条简单的线(SectionWidth = 1)和一段SectionWidth > 1(例如,突出显示一个范围):


public class DataModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
  public DataModel()
    this.SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection
      new StepLineSeries()
        Configuration = new CartesianMapper<ObservablePoint>()
          .X(point => point.X)
          .Y(point => point.Y)
          .Stroke(point => point.Y > 0.3 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.LightGreen),
        Values = new ChartValues<ObservablePoint>
          new ObservablePoint(0, 5),
          new ObservablePoint(20, 0),
          new ObservablePoint(30, 5),
          new ObservablePoint(40, 0),
          new ObservablePoint(80, 5),

    // Add two sections at x=20 and x=30
    this.SectionsCollection = new SectionsCollection()
      new AxisSection()
        Value = 20,
        Stroke = Brushes.Red,
        StrokeThickness = 1
      new AxisSection()
        Value = 30,
        SectionWidth = 50,
        Stroke = Brushes.Red,
        StrokeThickness = 1

  public Func<double, string> LabelFormatter => value => $"{value}ms";
  public SeriesCollection SeriesCollection { get; set; }
  public SectionsCollection SectionsCollection { get; set; }

  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
  protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) => this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


    <DataModel />

  <CartesianChart Height="500"
                  Series="{Binding SeriesCollection}">
      <Axis Sections="{Binding SectionsCollection}"
            LabelFormatter="{Binding LabelFormatter}">
          <Separator Step="10" />
          <Separator Step="5" />