
How can I reference a parameter within a designated initializer?


typedef struct {
  int x;
  int y;
} point;

int main() {
  point p = {
    .x = 1,
    .y = x + 2 // I want to reference .x

这是不可能的。初始化器中表达式的求值顺序不会以任何特定顺序求值,因此无法保证 .x 会在 .y 设置为 .x + 2.[=16= 之前设置为 1 ]

这在 C standard 的第 6.7.9p23 节中有详细说明:

The evaluations of the initialization list expressions are indeterminately sequenced with respect to one another and
thus the order in which any side effects occur is unspecified.152)

脚注 152 指出:

In particular, the evaluation order need not be the same as the order of subobject initialization.