Python 中的不确定性包:使用给定的协方差矩阵来获取数据不确定性

Uncertainties package in Python : use of given covariance matrix to get data uncertainties


我在下面总结的初始情况与此 post ( 中解释的情况类似,但特别关注 python 包不确定性是如何处理的遇到这种情况。


我想做的是以不确定性适当传播的方式对我的数据进行计算。最终,我希望在控制台中以 标称值 +/- 不确定性 的形式显示值。 python 包 'uncertainties' 似乎是正确的方法,但我不确定它为我的 初始数据点 提供的不确定性数字的含义.

我所期望的是我的初始数据点的不确定性对应于 'naive' 标准差,即协方差矩阵对角线元素的平方根。这忽略了数据中的相关性,但是以 标称值 +/- 不确定性 的形式显示相关结果无论如何都不能显示相关性,只要是后者,这应该不是问题已正确考虑进一步计算。




import uncertainties
import numpy as np

# To settle ideas, here are two different covariance matrices with same diagonals 
# -> I expect them to lead to the same std deviations below, but this is not the case:

Cov_matrix1 = np.array([[0.00, 0.0,  0.0], [0.0,  1, 0], [0.0, 0, 4]], np.float64)
Cov_matrix2 = np.array([[0.00, 0.5,  3], [0.5,  1, 0.2], [3, 0.2, 4]], np.float64)

# here are some initial nominal values:

data_nominal = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.float64)

print(" The nominal values of data, whithout covariance matrix is ", data_nominal)

# I impose correlations in my data, using the above covariance matrices

correlated_data1 = np.asarray(uncertainties.correlated_values(data_nominal, Cov_matrix1))
correlated_data2 = np.asarray(uncertainties.correlated_values(data_nominal, Cov_matrix2))

# I print my data in the console, and see that data points have different uncertainties in both cases,
# even though the two covariance matrices have the same diagonals ... What is happening ? 

print("\n First covariance matrix is ")
print("\n Data values are ", correlated_data1)

print("\n 2nd covariance matrix is ")
print("\n Data values are now ", correlated_data2)


Cov_matrix2 = np.array([[0.00, 0.5,  3], [0.5,  1, 0.2], [3, 0.2, 4]], np.float64)
