使用派生类型的 C++ Mixin

C++ Mixin using derived types

如何将 typedef 从 class 传递到它的 mixin?起初我以为它可能是命名冲突,但是在 mixin 中重命名 value_t 也无济于事。

template <typename Derived>
class Mixin
    using value_t = typename Derived::value_t;
    Derived * self()
        return static_cast<Derived *>(this);
    value_t x() const
        return self()->x;

class DerivedInt : public Mixin<DerivedInt>
    using value_t = int;
    value_t x = 0;

class DerivedDouble : public Mixin<DerivedDouble>
    using value_t = double;
    value_t x = 0.0;

clang 语义问题:

file.h:14:39: error: no type named 'value_t' in 'DerivedInt'
file.h:27:27: note: in instantiation of template class 'Mixin<DerivedInt>' requested here

file.h:14:39: error: no type named 'value_t' in 'DerivedDouble'
file.h:34:30: note: in instantiation of template class 'Mixin<DerivedDouble>' requested here

在实例化 Mixin<DerivedInt> 时,DerivedInt 是一个不完整的 class - 编译器还没有看到 class DerivedInt 之外的任何内容。这就是 DerivedInt::value_t 无法识别的原因。


template <typename Derived, typename ValueType>
class Mixin
    using value_t = ValueType;

class DerivedInt : public Mixin<DerivedInt, int> {
  // doesn't need its own `value_t` typedef.