超时后语音通道不会被删除。 Discord.JS 12

Voice channel doesn't get deleted after timeout. Discord.JS 12

所以我目前正在进行最后的更改,以便将我的机器人从 discord.js 11.4 更新到 12。

但是,我 运行 解决了私人频道的另一个问题,在一定时间后没有被删除。 我尝试将 voiceChannel 更改为 voice.channel,但不幸的是它没有用。


        bot.on("voiceStateUpdate", oldMember => {
        function deleteEmptyChannelAfterDelay(voiceChannel, delayMS = 5000){
            if(!voiceChannel) return; 
            if(voiceChannel.members.first()) return;
            if(!voiceChannel.health) voiceChannel.health = 0;
            voiceChannel.health += 1;
            setTimeout(function(){  //queue channel for deletion and wait
                if(!voiceChannel) return;
                if(voiceChannel.members.first()) return;
                voiceChannel.health -= 1;
                if(voiceChannel.health > 0) return;
                if(!voiceChannel.name.includes('\'s Room')) return;
                voiceChannel.delete()   //delete channel
                    .catch(error => console.log(error));
            }, delayMS);

我尝试在 DJ 指南 and/or 论坛上寻求帮助,但找不到任何东西,所以我真的很感激任何可能的帮助!谢谢。

在 DiscordJS V12 中,voiceStateUpdate event got changed. Instead of passing the paramters oldMember and newMember, it now passes oldState and newState which are instances of VoiceState. To get the channel the voiceStateUpdate got triggered on, you no longer call member.voiceChannel, but now call VoiceState.channel.


bot.on("voiceStateUpdate", oldState => {