如何在 LaTex 参考书目中自动为特定作者姓名下划线

How to underline specific author name automatically in LaTex bibiolgraphy

对于简历,我想在参考书目中出现的任何地方加下划线。我将 LaTex 与 biblatex 一起使用。有没有一种简单的方法可以自动在某个名称下划线?谢谢!


\usepackage[maxbibnames=99, sorting=ydnt]{biblatex}

author   = {Surname, Name and Another, Name and Thethird, Name and Andthe, Last},
journal  = {JUR},
month    = {5},
title    = {{Title very good}},
year     = {2015}
author   = {Guy, Some and Surname, Name and Dude, The},
journal  = {JUR},
month    = {5},
title    = {{Another brilliant title}},
year     = {2016},




在第一种情况下,我邀请您查看格式化参考书目的.bst 文件以找到适合您的文件,甚至自己创建一个(相当长)。

在第二种情况下,除了在您的 bib 文件中添加 \hl{Name, Surname} 之外,我没有看到任何解决方案。

您可以使用 https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/355317/36296

\usepackage[maxbibnames=99, sorting=ydnt]{biblatex}

author   = {Surname, Name and Another, Name and Thethird, Name and Andthe, Last},
journal  = {JUR},
month    = {5},
title    = {{Title very good}},
year     = {2015}
author   = {Guy, Some and Surname, Name and Dude, The},
journal  = {JUR},
month    = {5},
title    = {{Another brilliant title}},
year     = {2016},


      {\expandafter\ifthenelse{\boolean{bold}}{\mkbibbold{\namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}{\namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}%
      {\expandafter\ifthenelse{\boolean{bold}}{\mkbibbold{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni}}%
      {\expandafter\ifthenelse{\boolean{bold}}{\mkbibbold{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni\addcomma\isdot}}{\addcomma\addspace \namepartfamily\addcomma\addspace \namepartgiveni\addcomma\isdot}}%

\makeauthorsbold{Surname, Name}

