递归搜索数组 - CodingBat

Searching an array recursively - CodingBat


为了更好地递归解决问题,我一直在处理 CodingBat 上发布的问题。我的问题与以下问题的变体有关。

original problem是:

Given an array of ints, compute recursively if the array contains somewhere a value followed in the array by that value times 10. We'll use the convention of considering only the part of the array that begins at the given index. In this way, a recursive call can pass index+1 to move down the array. The initial call will pass in index as 0.

  • array220({1, 2, 20}, 0) → true
  • array220({3, 30}, 0) → true
  • array220({3}, 0) → false


public boolean array220(int[] nums, int index) {
  if (index >= nums.length-1) return false;

  if (nums[index+1] == nums[index] * 10) return true; 

  return array220(nums, ++index);


Given an array of ints, compute recursively if the array contains somewhere a value that is 10 times larger than any other value. We'll use the convention of considering only the part of the array that begins at the given index. In this way, a recursive call can pass index+1 to move down the array. The initial call will pass in index as 0.

For example:

  • array220({1, 2, 10}, 0) → true
  • array220({3, 2, 9, 38, 20}, 0) → true
  • array220({3}, 0) → false




这可能是答案,只需使用 HashSet,并在进行递归调用时传递它:

public boolean array220(int[] nums,HashSet<Integer> set,  int index) {
  if (index >= nums.length-1) return false;

  if (set.contains(nums[index]*10)) 
      return true; 
  return array220(nums,set, ++index);

如果你不想使用额外的数据结构,排序数组和使用二进制搜索可以为你带来一个 O(nlogn) 的解决方案,有两种递归方法。


public boolean array220(int[] nums,  int index) {
  if (index >= nums.length-1) return false;

  if (binarySearch(index + 1, nums.length - 1,nums[index]*10,nums)) 
      return true; 

  return array220(nums, ++index);

public boolean binarySearch(int start, int end,int value, int[] nums){
     if(start > end)
        return false;
     int mid = (start + end)/2;
     if(nums[mid] == value){
         return true;
     }else if(nums[mid] > value){
         return binarySearch(start, mid - 1, value, nums);
         return binarySearch(mid + 1, end, value, nums);

如果您不想对数组进行排序,使用线性递归搜索将给出 O(n^2) 的解决方案。

public boolean array220(int[] nums,  int index) {
  if (index >= nums.length-1) return false;

  if (linearSearch(0,nums[index]*10,nums)) 
      return true; 

  return array220(nums, ++index);

public boolean linearSearch(int start, int value, int[] nums){
     if(start >= nums.length)
        return false;

     if(nums[start] == value){
         return true;
     }else {
         return linearSearch(start + 1, value, nums);