Scala 中的 Actor 引用

Actor references in scala

/user/master/"+startID/user/master/* 有什么区别? 我假设 * 表示 StartRouteProcess 消息将发送给所有参与者。这个对吗? 然而,/user/master/"+startIDTask 消息发送给具有给定 startID

      case JoinNode =>
        val startID = Nodelist(Random.nextInt(numJoined))
        context.system.actorSelection("/user/master/" + startID) ! Task("Join", startID, Nodelist(numJoined), -1)

      case BeginRouting =>
        println("Node Join Finished.\n")
        println("Routing started.")
        context.system.actorSelection("/user/master/*") ! StartRouteProcess

根据 akka 文档

Selections may be formulated using the ActorSystem.actorSelection and ActorContext.actorSelection methods and do support sending messages:

context.actorSelection("../*") ! msg

will send msg to all siblings including the current actor.
