有没有一种方法可以在不引用 Doctrine 中的实体对象或存储库的情况下指定外键的值

Is there a way to specify the value of a foreign key without any reference to the entity object or repositories in Doctrine

我有 2 个实体。 零件和库存

class Part
 *  @ORM\Id
 *  @ORM\Column(type="string")
private $partNumber;

/** @ORM\Column(name="part_name", type="string") */
private $partName;

/** @ORM\Column(type="string") */
private $warehouseStatus;


class Inventory
 *  @ORM\Id
 *  @ORM\Column(type="integer")
 *  @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;

 * One Product has One Shipment.
 * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="Part")
 * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="part_number", referencedColumnName="part_number")
private $partNumber;

/** @ORM\Column(type="decimal") */
private $inStock;


class one {
   private function method1 {
       $part = new Part();
       $part->partNumber = 'blabla';
       $part->warehouseStatus = 1;

class two {
    private function method1 {
        $inv = new Inventory();
        $inv->partNumber = 'blabla'; // it crashes here
        $inv->inStock = 1;

在 class 二中,我试图与第一个对象建立关系,但 partNumber 崩溃了,因为他期望实体对象作为部分而不是字符串。是否有一种集成的学说方法可以创建对零件实体的引用,而无需实例化存储库等。

为此,您需要使用 EntityManager 中的 getReference 函数:

     * Gets a reference to the entity identified by the given type and identifier
     * without actually loading it, if the entity is not yet loaded.
     * @param string $entityName The name of the entity type.
     * @param mixed  $id         The entity identifier.
     * @return object|null The entity reference.
     * @throws ORMException
    public function getReference($entityName, $id);


$inv->partNumber = $entityManager->getReference(Part::class, $thePartIdYouReference);