更改脉轮中的黑暗模式颜色 ui

changing the dark mode color in chakra ui

我正在使用 "dark mode" feature provided by the Chakra UI library. However, I can't figure out how to change the "dark mode" colors. In the documentation, I see that Chakra UI is based on something called "styled-system",所以我尝试将新的 theme 传递给 themeProvider,如下所示:

const theme = {
  modes: {
    dark: {
      background: '#000',
 <ThemeProvider theme={theme}></ThemeProvider>

然而,这并没有奏效。我还尝试用 colors 对象包装 modes 对象,但这也不起作用。如何自定义“深色模式”颜色?

正如文档所说(并且它确实有效),您还需要用另一个 ColorModeProvider.

 <ThemeProvider theme={customTheme}>

并在你的组件中使用名为 useColorMode 的挂钩(如果你愿意,也可以嵌套)来获取当前颜色模式并在它们之间切换。

const { colorMode, toggleColorMode } = useColorMode();


import { mode } from '@chakra-ui/theme-tools';
import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/core';

const styles = {
  global: props => ({
    body: {
      color: mode('gray.800', 'whiteAlpha.900')(props),
      bg: mode('gray.100', '#141214')(props),

const components = {
  Drawer: {
    // setup light/dark mode component defaults
    baseStyle: props => ({
      dialog: {
        bg: mode('white', '#141214')(props),

const theme = extendTheme({

export default theme;

然后我们将 theme 传递给 ChakraProvider