DPI 缩放运行时创建的控件具有 PopupMenu

DPI scaling runtime created controls having PopupMenu

我正在使用 Delphi 10.4.1 Sydney,并创建了一个简单的控件,它在运行时设置了 Parent

constructor TMyTree.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(Owner);
  PopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);

procedure TMyTree.ChangeScale(M, D: Integer; isDpiChange: boolean);
  inherited ChangeScale(M, D, isDpiChange);
  OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('M: %d, D: %d', [M, D])));
  //The program is started at 150% DPI and DPI changed to 175% DPI
  //Debug Output: M: 168, D: 96 - ERROR! It should be M: 168, D: 144

procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  fTree := TMyTree.Create(Self);
  fTree.Parent := Self;
  OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('CurrentPPI: %d', [fTree.CurrentPPI])));
  //Debug Output at 150% DPI scale: CurrentPPI: 144 - OK!


我认为这是由于在 TMyTree 构造函数中调用 PopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self); 时,VCL 将树的 ComponentState 设置为 [csFreeNotification]

我检查了 VCL 代码,更具体地说 TControl.SetParent()。如果 csFreeNotificationComponentState 中,那么 ScaleForPPINOT 调用,并且我们的树视图在设置 Parent 时不会缩放。

这是 VCL 中的错误,还是有一些其他首选方法来创建运行时控件并设置它们 Parent

顺便说一句,如果我在 TMyTree 构造函数中使用 TImageList.Create(Self),也会发生同样的问题。

这是 VCL 中的一个已知问题。在Quality Portal中报告了几个与之相关的工单:

RSP-15381: A scaled form gets resized to design time ClientWidth/ClientHeight when embeded in a parent form

RSP-18162: Frame with Assigned PopupMenu is wrong Displayed on high DPI

RSP-19012: Parented controls with free notifications aren't scaled