vue 和 vuex:一切正常,只是想看看如何缩短代码。是否有某种观察者或缩短代码的最佳方法是什么?

vue and vuex: Evrything works, just want to see how shorten a code. Is there sort of watcher or what's the best way to shorten a code?


localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(state.cart));

这些操作调用突变,其中会改变变量 cart,因此每次更改后我都会将新购物车保存在 localStorage 中。代码有效,但我不喜欢重复。有更好的方法吗?我想可能是 watcher 改变了一个状态变量?但是有人知道它是否存在吗?以及如何使用它?

export async function removeItemFromCart({state, getters, commit}, id){
  let ind  = getters.index(id);

  commit('removeFromCart', ind);
  localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(state.cart)); //here

export async function setCnt({state, getters, commit, rootGetters}, { id, cnt }){
  let ind  = getters.index(id);

  if(state.cart[ind].cnt + cnt >= 1 && state.cart[ind].cnt + cnt <= rootGetters['watches/item'](id).cnt)
    commit('addCnt', { ind, cnt})
  localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(state.cart)); //here


export async function removeItemFromCart({state, getters, commit}, id){
  let ind  = getters.index(id);

  commit('removeFromCart', ind);
  commit('setCart', state.cart);

export async function setCnt({state, getters, commit, rootGetters}, { id, cnt }){
  let ind  = getters.index(id);

  if(state.cart[ind].cnt + cnt >= 1 && state.cart[ind].cnt + cnt <= rootGetters['watches/item'](id).cnt)
    commit('addCnt', { ind, cnt})
  commit('setCart', state.cart);

export function setCart({commit}, cart) {
  localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cart));