如何在 jpql jpa 中 return 映射多个总和?

How to return map with multiple sum in jpql jpa?


select SUM(d.day) as totalDay, SUM(d.month) as totalMonth from record d where d.userId = ?1
Integer getRecod(Long id);


您应该将 Integer 替换为 Object[] :

Object[] getRecod(Long id);

因为SUM(d.day) as totalDay, SUM(d.month) as totalMonth return数组中有两个长值

解决方案一: 使用 totalDay 和 totalMonth 创建一个模型,并创建一个全参数构造函数。

public class UserDataModel {
    Long totalDay;
    Long totalMonth;

    public UserDataModel(Long totalDay, Long totalMonth) {
        this.totalDay = totalDay;
        this.totalMonth = totalMonth;
    //getter and setter


@Query(value = "select 
new com.package.UserDataModel(SUM(d.day) as totalDay, SUM(d.month) as totalMonth) 
from Record d where d.userId = ?1 ")
    UserDataModel getRecord(Long id);

解决方案 2:使用 spring 投影。创建一个这样的界面。确保遵循正确的 camcelCase。

public interface UserDataModelV2 {
    Long getTotalDay();
    Long getTotalMonth();


    @Query(value = "select " +
            " SUM(d.day) as totalDay, SUM(d.month) as totalMonth " +
            "from Record d where d.userId = ?1")
    List<UserDataModelV2> getRecord(Long id);

如果您想 return HashMap 而不是 POJO,您可以使用 hashMap 扩展 UserDataModel 并在构造函数中将数据放入映射中。

public class UserDataModel extends HashMap<String, Object>{
    Long totalDay;
    Long totalMonth;

    public UserDataModel(Long totalDay, Long totalMonth) {
        this.totalDay = totalDay;
        this.totalMonth = totalMonth;
    //getter and setter

或者您可以将解决方案 2 中的接口替换为 Map

@Query(value = "select " +
            " SUM(d.day) as totalDay, SUM(d.month) as totalMonth " +
            "from Record d where d.userId = ?1")
    List<Map<Stirng, Object>> getRecord(Long id);