HTTP PATCH 是否仅限于一次只修改一个字段?

Is HTTP PATCH restricted to modifying only one field at a time?

HTTP PATCH 方法是否限制一次只能更新一个字段?我可以修改 PATCH 请求中的多个字段吗? PATCH可以修改所有字段吗?

Does HTTP PATCH method restrict updates to only one field at a time?


Can I modify more than one field in a PATCH request?


Can PATCH be used for modifying all the fields?

是的。但是您可以考虑 PUT 用于此目的。而且,根据您的需要,您可以考虑在 API.


PATCH method definition doesn’t enforce any format for the request payload apart from mentioning that the request payload should contain a set of instructions describing how the resource will be modified and that set of instructions is identified by a media type (which defines how the PATCH 应由服务器应用。

来自RFC 5789

2. The PATCH Method

The PATCH method requests that a set of changes described in the request entity be applied to the resource identified by the Request-URI. The set of changes is represented in a format called a “patch document” identified by a media type. […]


我在此 along with a comparison with PUT 中添加了有关每种格式的更多详细信息。所以我强烈建议你看看。