如何在 Apache Camel 中以间隔时间开始一条到另一条路线

How to start one route to another with interval time in Apache Camel


    .to("direct:route2 ");
    .setBody(simple("Hello from timer at ${header.firedTime}"))

下面是一个最小的完整 Camel 3(版本 3.4.3)示例,如何使用 Timer component and how to call another route (SaveFileRoute). The example is implemented with Camel Main 模块触发路由 (TimerRoute)。

路由使用 From EIP to consume messages from endpoints generated by Timer and Direct components and To EIP 向消费者生成(或“发送”)消息。








注意在字符串中 "direct:savefile":

  • direct是生成端点的组件类型
  • saveFile是唯一标识端点的名称


// https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/others/main.html
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.main.Main;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Main main = new Main();
            new RouteBuilder() {
                public void configure() {
                    .log("ROUTE START: body = ${body}")
                    // just logging here
                    // .to("file://outbox")
                    .log("ROUTE END:")
            new RouteBuilder() {
                public void configure() {
                    // triggers on every 3 seconds
                    // https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/timer-component.html
                    .log("ROUTE START:")
                    // https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/eips/setBody-eip.html
                    .setBody(constant("HELLO FROM TIMER!"))
                    .log("ROUTE END:")


$ mvn compile exec:java
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------------------< net.jani-hur:004-timer >-----------------------
[INFO] Building 004-timer 1.0
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ 003-timer ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ 003-timer ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:java (default-cli) @ 004-timer ---
[                    App.main()] BaseMainSupport                INFO  Using properties from: classpath:application.properties;optional=true
[                    App.main()] DefaultRoutesCollector         INFO  No additional Camel XML routes discovered from: classpath:camel/*.xml
[                    App.main()] DefaultRoutesCollector         INFO  No additional Camel XML rests discovered from: classpath:camel-rest/*.xml
[                    App.main()] AbstractCamelContext           INFO  Apache Camel 3.4.3 (camel-1) is starting
[                    App.main()] AbstractCamelContext           INFO  StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at http://camel.apache.org/stream-caching.html
[                    App.main()] InternalRouteStartupManager    INFO  Route: SaveFileRoute started and consuming from: direct://savefile
[                    App.main()] InternalRouteStartupManager    INFO  Route: TimerRoute started and consuming from: timer://exampleTimer
[                    App.main()] AbstractCamelContext           INFO  Total 2 routes, of which 2 are started
[                    App.main()] AbstractCamelContext           INFO  Apache Camel 3.4.3 (camel-1) started in 0.031 seconds
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE START:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE START: body = HELLO FROM TIMER!
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE START:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE START: body = HELLO FROM TIMER!
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE START:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE START: body = HELLO FROM TIMER!
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE START:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE START: body = HELLO FROM TIMER!
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE START:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE START: body = HELLO FROM TIMER!
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE START:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE START: body = HELLO FROM TIMER!
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] SaveFileRoute                  INFO  ROUTE END:
[read #0 - timer://exampleTimer] TimerRoute                     INFO  ROUTE END: