jQueryUI 可调整大小 - 当您更改列的宽度时 - 所有其他扬声器都会抽搐
jQueryUI resizable - when you change the width of a column - all the other speakers twitch
我使用 jQueryUI resizable 来调整 table 中列的大小。
当您更改一列的宽度时,其他列必须保持不变。应该只改变 table
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table id="table">
<td class="gray">Zagreb</td>
<td class="gray">Kinshasa</td>
<td class="gray">Kishinev</td>
<td class="gray">Krakow</td>
<td class="gray">Lima</td>
<td class="gray">Lisbon</td>
<td>Los Angeles</td>
<td>New York</td>
var $table = $("#table");
var startW = 0;
var startW_neighbor = 0;
var td_index_neighbor = 0;
var ui_minColWidth = 0;
$table.find("tr:first th, tr:first td").resizable(
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 30,
start : function(event,ui)
ui_minColWidth = $(this).resizable( "option", "minWidth");
startW = $(this).width();
startW_neighbor = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table').width();
stop: function (event, ui)
resize: function (event, ui)
var td_width = ui.element.width();
var table = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table');
var d = Number(td_width) - Number(ui.originalSize.width);
td_width = Number(startW_neighbor) + Number(d) - 2;
You're at the same time interfering with normal behavior of resizable
and relying on it to calculate some values, so at some point it breaks. In that case you're calculating the width
difference based on resizable behavior and applying it to change the behavior. But when resizable
doesn't have any more place to resize, the difference is 0, hence nothing moves anymore.
If you want to change the behavior of resizable
, you could work with mouse position and micro manage the change in width
. In that case you'll need to handle cases where your mouse moves, but nothing gets resized. This happens when columns cannot reduce size anymore.
Something like this seems to work:
$table.find("tr:first th, tr:first td").resizable({
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 30,
start: function (event, ui) {
ui_minColWidth = $(this).resizable("option", "minWidth");
startW = $(this).width();
td_width = startW;//this to check if width can change
startW_neighbor = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table').width();
startMouseX = event.pageX;//to calculate mouse diffrence
stop: function (event, ui) {
resize: function (event, ui) {;
var mouseDiff = event.pageX - startMouseX;//mouse mouvement
//If the mouse is negative, it can resize only if column
//isn't at min width. When mouse positive resize always.
if (ui.element.width() != td_width || mouseDiff > 0) {
td_width = ui.element.width();
var table = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table');
var d = Number(td_width) - Number(ui.originalSize.width);
table_width = Number(startW_neighbor) + mouseDiff;
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/wLbn5qjk/1/
You can push this logic and work with alsoResize, the result is a bit better:
$table.find("tr:first th, tr:first td").resizable({
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 30,
alsoResize: 'table',
start: function (event, ui) {
ui_minColWidth = $(this).resizable("option", "minWidth");
startW = $(this).width();
td_width = ui.element.width();
startW_neighbor = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table').width();
startMouseX = event.pageX;
stop: function (event, ui) {
resize: function (event, ui) {;
var mouseDiff = event.pageX - startMouseX;
if (ui.element.width() == td_width && mouseDiff < 0) {;
td_width = ui.element.width();
table_width = $('table').width()
我使用 jQueryUI resizable 来调整 table 中列的大小。 当您更改一列的宽度时,其他列必须保持不变。应该只改变 table
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table id="table">
<td class="gray">Zagreb</td>
<td class="gray">Kinshasa</td>
<td class="gray">Kishinev</td>
<td class="gray">Krakow</td>
<td class="gray">Lima</td>
<td class="gray">Lisbon</td>
<td>Los Angeles</td>
<td>New York</td>
var $table = $("#table");
var startW = 0;
var startW_neighbor = 0;
var td_index_neighbor = 0;
var ui_minColWidth = 0;
$table.find("tr:first th, tr:first td").resizable(
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 30,
start : function(event,ui)
ui_minColWidth = $(this).resizable( "option", "minWidth");
startW = $(this).width();
startW_neighbor = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table').width();
stop: function (event, ui)
resize: function (event, ui)
var td_width = ui.element.width();
var table = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table');
var d = Number(td_width) - Number(ui.originalSize.width);
td_width = Number(startW_neighbor) + Number(d) - 2;
You're at the same time interfering with normal behavior of resizable
and relying on it to calculate some values, so at some point it breaks. In that case you're calculating the width
difference based on resizable behavior and applying it to change the behavior. But when resizable
doesn't have any more place to resize, the difference is 0, hence nothing moves anymore.
If you want to change the behavior of resizable
, you could work with mouse position and micro manage the change in width
. In that case you'll need to handle cases where your mouse moves, but nothing gets resized. This happens when columns cannot reduce size anymore.
Something like this seems to work:
$table.find("tr:first th, tr:first td").resizable({
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 30,
start: function (event, ui) {
ui_minColWidth = $(this).resizable("option", "minWidth");
startW = $(this).width();
td_width = startW;//this to check if width can change
startW_neighbor = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table').width();
startMouseX = event.pageX;//to calculate mouse diffrence
stop: function (event, ui) {
resize: function (event, ui) {;
var mouseDiff = event.pageX - startMouseX;//mouse mouvement
//If the mouse is negative, it can resize only if column
//isn't at min width. When mouse positive resize always.
if (ui.element.width() != td_width || mouseDiff > 0) {
td_width = ui.element.width();
var table = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table');
var d = Number(td_width) - Number(ui.originalSize.width);
table_width = Number(startW_neighbor) + mouseDiff;
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/wLbn5qjk/1/
编辑: You can push this logic and work with alsoResize, the result is a bit better:
$table.find("tr:first th, tr:first td").resizable({
handles: 'e',
minWidth: 30,
alsoResize: 'table',
start: function (event, ui) {
ui_minColWidth = $(this).resizable("option", "minWidth");
startW = $(this).width();
td_width = ui.element.width();
startW_neighbor = ui.element.parents('.table-wrapper').find('table#table').width();
startMouseX = event.pageX;
stop: function (event, ui) {
resize: function (event, ui) {;
var mouseDiff = event.pageX - startMouseX;
if (ui.element.width() == td_width && mouseDiff < 0) {;
td_width = ui.element.width();
table_width = $('table').width()