
Color the current data points differently in the scatter plot

我的数据 tables 可以包含 2020 年的每日数据或每周数据。我使用回归线创建散点图如下:

## DAY: ##
dt.day <- data.table(date = seq(as.Date('2020-01-01'), by = '1 day', length.out = 365),
                     DE = rnorm(365, 4, 1), Austria = rnorm(365, 10, 2), 
                     Czechia = rnorm(365, 1, 2), check.names = FALSE)

## Linear regression: ##
regLine <- lm(DE ~ Austria, data = dt.day)

## PLOT: ##
p <- ggplot(data = dt.day, aes(x = Austria, y = DE, 
                               text = paste("Date: ", date, '\n',
                                            "Austria: ", Austria, "GWh/h", '\n',
                                            "DE: ", DE, "\u20ac/MWh"),
                               group = 1)
     ) +
     geom_point(color = "#419F44") +
     geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "#007d3c") +
     theme_classic() +
     theme(legend.position = "none") +
     theme(panel.background = element_blank()) +
     xlab("Austria") +

# Correlation plot converting from ggplot to plotly: #
AUSTRIA <- plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")

## WEEK: ##
dt.week <- data.table(date = seq(as.Date('2020-01-01'), by = '7 day', length.out = 53),
                      Germany = rnorm(53, 4, 1), Austria = rnorm(53, 10, 2), 
                      Czechia = rnorm(53, 1, 2), check.names = FALSE)


我想绘制最近10天我的数据table(不管它包含多少数据,因为它只能是从一月到每天四月)以不同的颜色 ("#F07D00")。 每周数据 table 的绘图类似地绘制。我想给 过去 4 周 .



如果我有一个数据 table 每天都有每小时条目(即每天 24 个),那么对于 过去 2 天 的积分如何工作?第 1 列 (date) 的格式为 "POSIXct" "POSIXt",如下所示:

您可以使用 library(lubridate)。最近 10 天:

 geom_point(aes(color = ifelse(date >= now()-days(10), "#F07D00", "#007d3c")))