使用 make_instance 时 ClipsPy 中的 Clips 空错误

Clips empty error in ClipsPy when using make_instance

我是 CLIPS 和 clipsPy 的新手。我正在尝试创建 CLIPS class


这是我在 python 环境中定义并正确构建的 class (clipsPy)

    (slot text (type STRING))
    (slot confidence (type FLOAT))
    (slot type (type SYMBOL))

这按预期工作,但是当我尝试创建此实例时 class:

new_instance = "(ent0-0 of ENTITY-CLASS (text 'Bruce Springsteen')(confidence 1.0)(type PER))"
env.make_instance( new_instance )


我尝试了多种构建 new_instance 字符串的形式,但 none 有效果:

new_instance = '(ent0-0 of ENTITY-CLASS (text "Bruce Springsteen")(confidence 1.0)(type PER))'
new_instance = "(ent0-0 of ENTITY-CLASS (text 'Bruce Springsteen') (confidence 1.0) (type PER) )"

我的语法错误在哪里? 感谢任何帮助

空错误问题可能是由于 Jupyter re-directs IO.

在 IPython 我得到:

In [1]: import clips                                                                                                                                                                                               

In [2]: env = clips.Environment()                                                                                                                                                                                  

In [3]: ENTITIES_CLASS = """ 
   ...: (defclass ENTITY-CLASS (is-a INITIAL-OBJECT) 
   ...:     (slot text (type STRING)) 
   ...:     (slot confidence (type FLOAT)) 
   ...:     (slot type (type SYMBOL)) 
   ...: ) 
   ...: """ 
   ...: env.build(ENTITIES_CLASS)                                                                                                                                                                                  

In [4]: env.make_instance("(ent0-0 of ENTITY-CLASS (text 'Bruce Springsteen')(confidence 1.0)(type PER))")                                                                                                         

CLIPSError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-92b62ecc6bed> in <module>
----> 1 env.make_instance("(ent0-0 of ENTITY-CLASS (text 'Bruce Springsteen')(confidence 1.0)(type PER))")

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/clips/classes.py in make_instance(self, command)
    215         ist = lib.EnvMakeInstance(self._env, command.encode())
    216         if ist == ffi.NULL:
--> 217             raise CLIPSError(self._env)
    219         return Instance(self._env, ist)

CLIPSError: [INSFUN7] ('Bruce Springsteen') illegal for single-field slot text of instance [ent0-0] found in put-text primary in class ENTITY-CLASS. [PRCCODE4] Execution halted during the actions of message-handler put-text primary in class ENTITY-CLASS

问题在于您表示字符串的方式 'Bruce Springstreen'。在 CLIPS 中,STRING 类型在双引号内 ".

In [4]: env.make_instance('(ent0-0 of ENTITY-CLASS (text "Bruce Springsteen")(confidence 1.0)(type PER))')                                                                                                         
Out[4]: Instance: [ent0-0] of ENTITY-CLASS (text "Bruce Springsteen") (confidence 1.0) (type PER)