猫鼬 setDefaultsOnInsert 和 2dsphere 索引不工作

Mongoose setDefaultsOnInsert and 2dsphere index not working

当使用 findOneAndUpdate 和 upsert 并且 setDefaultsOnInsert 设置为 true 时,我在尝试向我的数据库中插入新用户时遇到问题。我想要做的是设置以下架构的默认值:

var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
   activated: {type: Boolean, required: true, default: false},
   facebookId: {type: Number, required: true},
   creationDate: {type: Date, required: true, default: Date.now},
   location: {
       type: {type: String},
       coordinates: []
   email: {type: String, required: true}

userSchema.index({location: '2dsphere'});


      {facebookId: request.params.facebookId},
          $setOnInsert: {
              facebookId: request.params.facebookId,
              email: request.payload.email,
              location: {
                  type: 'Point',
                  coordinates: request.payload.location.coordinates
      {upsert: true, new: true, setDefaultsOnInsert: true}, function (err, user) {
          if (err) {
              return reply(boom.badRequest(authError));
          return reply(user);

如您所见,我还存储了用户的纬度和经度,这就是问题开始的地方。当 findOneAndUpdate 被调用时,我得到这个错误:

{ [MongoError: exception: Cannot update 'location' and 'location.coordinates' at the same time]
name: 'MongoError',
message: 'exception: Cannot update \'location\' and \'location.coordinates\' at the same time',
errmsg: 'exception: Cannot update \'location\' and \'location.coordinates\' at the same time',
code: 16836,
ok: 0 }

当我删除 2dsphere 索引和所有与位置相关的代码时,它确实设置了我的创建日期。我做错了什么?

setDefaultsOnInsert 选项使用 $setOnInsert 运算符来执行其功能,这看起来与您自己使用 $setOnInsert 设置 location 冲突。

解决方法是删除 setDefaultsOnInsert 选项并将其全部放在您自己的 $setOnInsert 运算符中:

      {facebookId: request.params.facebookId},
          $setOnInsert: {
              activated: false,
              creationDate: Date.now(),
              email: request.payload.email,
              location: {
                  type: 'Point',
                  coordinates: request.payload.location.coordinates
      {upsert: true, new: true},
      function (err, user) {
          if (err) {
              return reply(boom.badRequest(authError));
          return reply(user);

其中一位开发人员在 github 上回复了我的问题,并将其添加为 4.0.8 版本的里程碑,这是他的解决方法:

  $setOnInsert: {
          facebookId: request.params.facebookId,
          email: request.payload.email,
          'location.type': 'Point',
          'location.coordinates': request.payload.location.coordinates


{ [MongoError: exception: insertDocument :: caused by :: 16755 Can't extract geo keys from object, malformed geometry?: { _id: ObjectId('559024a0395dd599468e4f41'), facebookId: 1.020272578180189e+16, location: { coordinates: [], type: "Point" }, email: "druwe.jeroen@gmail.com", gender: "male", lastName: "Druwé", firstName: "Jeroen", __v: 0, activated: false, creationDate: new Date(1435509921264), familyDetails: { children: [] } }]