
I can't package my py file to an exe file

我是编程新手,我决定使用 python 作为我的第一门编程语言!所以我通过 Pygame 创建了一个没有附加文件的游戏,它只有一个 python 文件。

这只是一个问答游戏,我通过代码自己创建了一个GUI。游戏 运行 在使用 cmd 运行 游戏时很好,但是当我使用 pyinstaller 将其转换为可执行文件并尝试 运行ning 它时,它只会闪烁一个空的黑色窗口屏幕,然后关闭。我什至尝试使用 cx freeze。我尝试了很多解决方案,但其中 none 行得通。任何帮助,将不胜感激。我对编程很陌生,所以如果你能回答我的问题,你能用初学者的话解释一下吗哈哈哈。这是我的游戏代码:

import random 
from random import randint

WIDTH = 1280

HEIGHT = 720

def draw():
    screen.fill("green yellow")
    screen.draw.filled_rect(main_box, "sky blue")
    screen.draw.filled_rect(timer_box, "sky blue")
    screen.draw.text("Score: " + str(score), color="black", topleft=(10, 10))

    for box in answer_boxes:
        screen.draw.filled_rect(box, "orange")

    screen.draw.textbox(str(time_left), timer_box, color=('black'))
    screen.draw.textbox(question[0], main_box, color=('black'))

    index = 1
    for box in answer_boxes:
        screen.draw.textbox(question[index], box, color=('black'))
        index = index + 1

def game_over():
    global question, time_left, scoredecreaserps
    scoredecreaserps = 0
    message = 'Game Over. You got %s questions correct' %str(numques)
    question = [message, '-', '-', '-', '-', 5]
    time_left = 0

def correct_answer():
    global question, score, numques, time_left

    numques = numques + 1
    score = score + 1000

    if questions:
        question = questions.pop()
        time_left = 10
        print('End of questions')

def on_mouse_down(pos):
    index = 1

    for box in answer_boxes:

        if box.collidepoint(pos):
            print('Clicked on answer' + str(index))

            if index == question[5]:
                print('You got it correct!')

        index = index + 1

def update_time_left():
    global time_left

    if time_left:
        time_left = time_left - 1

def score_lower():
    global score

    if score:
        score = score - scoredecreaserps

main_box = Rect(50, 40, 820, 240)
timer_box = Rect(990, 40, 240, 240)

answer_box1 = Rect(50, 358, 495, 165)
answer_box2 = Rect(735, 358, 495, 165)
answer_box3 = Rect(50, 538, 495, 165)
answer_box4 = Rect(735, 538, 495, 165)

answer_boxes = [answer_box1, answer_box2, answer_box3, answer_box4]

scoredecreaserps = 80
numques = 0
score = 0
time_left = 10

q1 = ["Who was the third president of the Philippines?",
      'Rodrigo Duterte', 'Ramon Magsaysay', 'Jose P. Laurel',
      'Fidel V. Ramos', 3]

q2 = ['When was the Philippines granted independece from the US?'
      , '1977', '1946', '1935', '1907', 2]

q3 = ['When was the Philippines colonized by Spain', '1898', '1523', '1654',
      '1521', 4]

questions = [q1, q2, q3]


question = questions.pop(0)
clock.schedule_interval(update_time_left, 1.0)
clock.schedule_interval(score_lower, 1.0)

我在这种情况下使用auto-py-to-exe https://pypi.org/project/auto-py-to-exe/

我的系统:Python 2.7 on Windows 8.1 人们告诉我 exe 也很好用 用 Linux + 葡萄酒

如果您是编程新手,则不应专注于创建二进制文件。了解如何在 shell 中 运行 您的应用程序,并通过学习 Object-Oriented 编程、函数式编程、每种代码方法的优缺点来培养您的开发人员技能。

您会发现,您的大部分项目都不需要 运行 它的 exe。如果你想点击一个文件并 运行,你可以 运行 python 文件直接用一些 Windows 配置*,或者为它创建一个 shell 脚本设置 and/or 运行。这种方法是使用 python.


* 我已经很久不用 Windows,但我相信你可以用 UI 中的 python.exe 打开一个 python 文件。


  1. 需要安装一次的模块:
python -m pip install pyinstaller pgzero requests
  1. 通过 运行 下一个命令行检索包含所有需要资源的存档 game.zip
python -c "import requests, base64; f = open('game.zip', 'wb'); f.write(base64.b64decode(requests.get('https://pastebin.com/raw/GnJ72zgP').content)); f.close()"
  1. 里面 game.zip 文件已经有了所有需要的东西,只需要 运行 package.cmd ,打包后需要一些时间,你会在 dist/script.exe.

  2. game.zip 有下一个文件:

    • package.cmd 包含一行 pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --console --noupx --add-data "./pgzero/;./pgzero/" --add-data "./fonts/;./fonts/" --runtime-tmpdir "c:/temp/" script.py
    • script.py 包含我将在下面提供的完整脚本代码。
    • fonts/arial.ttf 包含取自 C:\Windows\Fonts\arial.ttf 的文件。
    • pgzero/data/ 等于文件夹 D:\bin2\Python37\Lib\site-packages\pgzero\data\(在此路径中更改 Python 分发的位置)。

完全更正和改进的脚本代码在下面。您可能需要更改第一行 - 变量 logname 等于写入日志的路径,如果程序崩溃,所有异常都写在那里,变量 fontname 等于位于 ./fonts/arial.ttfgame.zip中,您可以将此字体替换为您喜欢的字体。

脚本可以通过 python script.py 命令或使用 pyinstaller.

打包成 script.exe 来 运行


  1. 添加了 try/except 全局块以捕获所有程序的 exceptions/errors,内部 except 块错误被保存到日志文件,路径来自 logname变量。
  2. 在脚本的第一行添加了 faulthandler 以捕获所有严重错误,例如 Segmentation Fault
  3. 在第一行中添加 os.chdir(...) 以将工作目录更改为 运行 从中打包脚本的目录。因为默认情况下打包脚本的工作目录不等于脚本所在的目录。
  4. 在第一行添加了 import pgzrun,在最后几行添加了 pgzrun.go(),这允许脚本仅通过 python script.py 而不是命令行 pgzrun script.py 运行nable ] 这对于 pygame 脚本 运行ning 很常见。为了使用 pyinstaller 轻松打包,此改进是必要的。
  5. screen.draw.text...(...) 函数的所有调用添加了 fontname = fontname 参数,因为如果未提供字体文件名,打包的脚本会崩溃。
    logname = 'c:/temp/pgzrun.log'
    fontname = 'arial.ttf'

    import faulthandler
    import os, sys
    script_dir = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    import pgzrun
    import random 
    from random import randint

    WIDTH = 1280
    HEIGHT = 720

    def draw():
        screen.fill("green yellow")
        screen.draw.filled_rect(main_box, "sky blue")
        screen.draw.filled_rect(timer_box, "sky blue")
        screen.draw.text("Score: " + str(score), color="black", topleft=(10, 10), fontname=fontname)

        for box in answer_boxes:
            screen.draw.filled_rect(box, "orange")

        screen.draw.textbox(str(time_left), timer_box, color=('black'), fontname=fontname)
        screen.draw.textbox(question[0], main_box, color=('black'), fontname=fontname)

        index = 1
        for box in answer_boxes:
            screen.draw.textbox(question[index], box, color=('black'), fontname=fontname)
            index = index + 1

    def game_over():
        global question, time_left, scoredecreaserps
        scoredecreaserps = 0
        message = 'Game Over. You got %s questions correct' %str(numques)
        question = [message, '-', '-', '-', '-', 5]
        time_left = 0

    def correct_answer():
        global question, score, numques, time_left

        numques = numques + 1
        score = score + 1000

        if questions:
            question = questions.pop()
            time_left = 10
            print('End of questions')

    def on_mouse_down(pos):
        index = 1

        for box in answer_boxes:

            if box.collidepoint(pos):
                print('Clicked on answer' + str(index))

                if index == question[5]:
                    print('You got it correct!')

            index = index + 1

    def update_time_left():
        global time_left

        if time_left:
            time_left = time_left - 1

    def score_lower():
        global score

        if score:
            score = score - scoredecreaserps

    main_box = Rect(50, 40, 820, 240)
    timer_box = Rect(990, 40, 240, 240)

    answer_box1 = Rect(50, 358, 495, 165)
    answer_box2 = Rect(735, 358, 495, 165)
    answer_box3 = Rect(50, 538, 495, 165)
    answer_box4 = Rect(735, 538, 495, 165)

    answer_boxes = [answer_box1, answer_box2, answer_box3, answer_box4]

    scoredecreaserps = 80
    numques = 0
    score = 0
    time_left = 10

    q1 = ["Who was the third president of the Philippines?",
          'Rodrigo Duterte', 'Ramon Magsaysay', 'Jose P. Laurel',
          'Fidel V. Ramos', 3]

    q2 = ['When was the Philippines granted independece from the US?'
          , '1977', '1946', '1935', '1907', 2]

    q3 = ['When was the Philippines colonized by Spain', '1898', '1523', '1654',
          '1521', 4]

    questions = [q1, q2, q3]


    question = questions.pop(0)
    clock.schedule_interval(update_time_left, 1.0)
    clock.schedule_interval(score_lower, 1.0)

    import traceback
    with open(logname, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
        f.write(''.join(traceback.format_exc()) + '\n')